austriamicrosystems AG
General Description
AS3588Ais designed for switching PCM channels under microprocessor control in digital exchanges, PBX or Central Office equipment. It provides a non blocking digital switching matrix for up to 256x256 64 kbit/sec channels. Each of the eight serial inputs and outputs consists of 32 64 kbit/sec channels multiplexed to/from a 2048 kbit/sec serial PCM bit stream. Simultaneously it allows its controlling microprocessor to read PCM output channels or to write to PCM output channels.
8-Line x 32 PCM Channel Inputs
8-Line x 32 PCM Channel Output
256 Ports Non Blocking Time/Space Crosspoint Switch
Single Power Supply of 5V
Low Power Consumption
Microprocessor Control Interface
Open Drain Serial Outputs
CMOS Process
Simultaneous Connection/Disconnection under Microprocessor Control
Extraction/Insertion of Single PCM Channels
Channel Zero Extraction