Avago Technologies
Avago Technologies AMMC-5024 is a broadband PHEMT GaAs MMIC TWA designed for medium output power and high gain over the full 30 KHz to 40 GHz frequency range. The design employs a 9-stage,cascade-connected FET structure to ensure flat gain and power as well as uniform group delay. E-beam lithography is used to produce uniform gate lengths of 0.15 mm and MBE technology assures precise semiconductor layer control. For improved reliability and moisture protection, the die is passivated at the active areas.
• Wide frequency range: 30 KHz– 40 GHz
• High gain: 16 dB
• Gain flatness: ±0.75 dB
• Return loss: Input: 13 dB, Output: 13 dB
• Medium power: P-1dB=22.5 dBm at 22 GHz
• Low noise figure: 4.6 dB at 26 GHz
• Communication systems
• Microwave instrumentation
• Optical systems
• Broadband applications requiring flat gain and group delay with excellent input and output port matches over the 30 KHz and 40 GHz frequency range