Advanced Micro Devices
The PCnet-ISA+ controller, a single-chip Ethernet controller, is a highly integrated system solution for the PC-AT Industry Standard Architecture (ISA ) architecture. It is designed to provide flexibility and compatibility with any existing PC application. This highly integrated 132-pin VLSI device is specifically designed to reduce parts count and cost, and addresses applications where higher system throughput is desired. The PCnet-ISA+ controller is fabricated with AMD’s advanced low-power CMOS process to provide low standby current for power sensitive applications.
■ Single-chip Ethernet controller for the Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) and Extended Industry Standard Architecture (EISA) buses
■ Supports IEEE 802.3/ANSI 8802-3 and Ethernet standards
■ Direct interface to the ISA or EISA bus
■ Software compatible with AMD’s Am7990 LANCE register and descriptor architecture
■ Low power, CMOS design with sleep mode allows reduced power consumption for critical battery powered applications
■ Individual 136-byte transmit and 128-byte receive FIFOs provide packet buffering for increased system latency, and support the following features:
— Automatic retransmission with no FIFO reload
— Automatic receive stripping and transmit padding (individually programmable)
— Automatic runt packet rejection
— Automatic deletion of received collision frames
■ Dynamic transmit FCS generation programmable on a frame-by-frame basis
■ Single +5 V power supply
■ Internal/external loopback capabilities
■ Supports 8K, 16K, 32K, and 64K Boot PROMs or Flash for diskless node applications
■ Supports Microsoft’s Plug and Play System configuration for jumperless designs
■ Supports staggered AT bus drive for reduced noise and ground bounce
■ Supports 8 interrupts on chip
■ Look Ahead Packet Processing (LAPP) allows protocol analysis to begin before end of receive frame
■ Supports 4 DMA channels on chip
■ Supports 16 I/O locations
■ Supports 16 boot PROM locations
■ Provides integrated Attachment Unit Interface (AUI) and 10BASE-T transceiver with 2 modes of port selection:
— Automatic selection of AUI or 10BASE-T
— Software selection of AUI or 10BASE-T
■ Automatic Twisted Pair receive polarity detection and automatic correction of the receive polarity
■ Supports bus-master and shared-memory architectures to fit in any PC application
■ Supports edge and level-sensitive interrupts
■ DMA Buffer Management Unit for reduced CPU intervention which allows higher throughput by by-passing the platform DMA
■ JTAG Boundary Scan (IEEE 1149.1) test access port interface for board level production test
■ Integrated Manchester Encoder/Decoder
■ Supports the following types of network interfaces:
— AUI to external 10BASE2, 10BASE5, 10BASE-T or 10BASE-F MAU
— Internal 10BASE-T transceiver with Smart Squelch to Twisted Pair medium
■ Supports LANCE General Purpose Serial Interface (GPSI)
■ 132-pin PQFP package