Analog Devices
The ADV7120 (ADV) is a digital to analog video converter on a single monolithic chip. The part is specifically designed for high resolution color graphics and video systems. It is also ideal for any high speed communications type applications requiring low cost, high speed DACs. It consists of three, high speed, 8-bit, video D/A converters (RGB); a standard TTL input interface and high impedance, analog output, current sources.
80 MHz Pipelined Operation
Triple 8-Bit D/A Converters
RS-343A/RS-170 Compatible Outputs
TTL Compatible Inputs
+5 V CMOS Monolithic Construction
40-Pin DIP or 44-Pin PLCC and 48-Lead TQFP
High Resolution Color Graphics
CAE/CAD/CAM Applications
Image Processing
Video Signal Reconstruction
Desktop Publishing
Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) and I/Q Modulation