Analog Devices
The ADSP-21062 SHARC—Super Harvard Architecture Computer—is a signal processing microcomputer that offers new capabilities and levels of performance. The ADSP-21062 SHARCs are 32-bit processors optimized for high performance DSP applications. The ADSP-21062 builds on the ADSP-21000 DSP core to form a complete system-on-a-chip, adding a dual ported on-chip SRAM and integrated I/O peripherals supported by a dedicated I/O bus.
High Performance Signal Processor for Communications, Graphics and Imaging Applications
Super Harvard Architecture
Four Independent Buses for Dual Data Fetch, Instruction Fetch and Nonintrusive I/O
32-Bit IEEE Floating-Point Computation Units—Multiplier, ALU, and Shifter
Dual-Ported On-Chip SRAM and Integrated I/O Peripherals—A Complete System-On-A-Chip
Integrated Multiprocessing Features