Analog Devices
The ADR290, ADR291 and ADR292 are low noise, micropower precision voltage references that use an XFET® reference circuit. The new XFET architecture offers significant performance improvements over traditional bandgap and Buried Zener-based references. Improvements include: one quarter the voltage noise output of bandgap references operating at the same current, very low and ultralinear temperature drift, low thermal hysteresis and excellent long-term stability.
Supply Range
2.35 V to 15 V, ADR290
2.8 V to 15 V, ADR291
4.4 V to 15 V, ADR292
Supply Current 12 μA Max
Low-Noise 6 μV, 8 μV, 12 μV p-p (0.1 Hz–10 Hz)
High Output Current 5 mA
Temperature Range -40°C to +125°C
Pin Compatible with REF02/REF19x
Portable Instrumentation
Precision Reference for 3 V and 5 V Systems
A/D and D/A Converter Reference
Solar-Powered Applications
Loop-Current-Powered Instruments