Analog Devices
The ADMC330 is a low cost single chip DSP microcontroller optimized for stand alone ac motor control applications. The device is based on a 20 MHz fixed-point DSP core (ADSP- 2171) and a set of motor control peripherals including seven analog input channels and a 12-bit three-phase PWM generator. The device has two auxiliary 8-bit PWM channels and adds expansion capability through the serial ports and an 8-bit digital I/O port. The ADMC330 has internal 2K words program RAM, and 1K words data RAM, which can be loaded from an external device via the serial port. There are also 2K words of internal program ROM, which includes a monitor that adds software debugging features through the serial port.
Seven Analog Input Channels
Acquisition Synchronized to PWM Switching Frequency
Three-Phase 12-Bit PWM Generator
Programmable Deadtime and Narrow Pulse Deletion
2.5 kHz Minimum Switching Frequency
ECM Control Mode
Output Control for Space Vector Modulation
Gate Drive Block (Pulsed PWM Output Capability)
Hardwired Output Polarity Control
External Trip Input
Two 8-Bit Auxiliary PWM Timers
Synthesized Analog Output
39 kHz Frequency
0 to 99.6% Duty Cycle
Eight Bits of Digital I/O Port
Bit Configurable as Input or Output
Change of State Interrupt Support
20 MIPS Fixed Point DSP Core
Powerful Program Sequencer
Zero Overhead Looping
Conditional Instruction Execution
Independent Computational Units
Barrel Shifter
Multifunction Instructions
Single-Cycle Instruction Execution (50 ns)
Single-Cycle Context Switch
ADSP-2100 Family Code and Function Compatible with
Instruction Set Enhancements
16-Bit Watchdog Timer
Programmable 16-Bit Interval Timer with Prescaler
Two Synchronous Serial Ports
Full Debugger Interface
2 Bootstrap Protocols via Sport 1, Serial and UART
Memory Configuration
2K 3 24-Bit Word Program RAM
1K 3 16-Bit Word Data RAM
2K 3 24-Bit Word Program ROM