Analog Devices
The AD8316 is a complete, low cost subsystem for the precise control of dual RF power amplifiers (PAs) operating in the frequency range 0.1 GHz to 2.5 GHz and over a typical dynamic range of 50 dB. The device is a dual-output version of the AD8315 and intended for use in dual-band or triband cellular handsets and other battery-operated wireless devices where a separate power control signal is required for each band. The logarithmic amplifier technique provides a much wider measurement range and better accuracy than is possible using controllers based on diode detectors. In particular, multiband and multimode cellular designs can benefit from the temperature-stable (–30°C to +85°C) operation over all cellular telephony frequencies.
Complete RF Detector/Controller Function
Selectable Dual Outputs
49 dB Range at 0.9 GHz (–47.6 dBm to +1.5 dBm re 50 Ω)
Accurate Scaling from 0.1 GHz to 2.5 GHz
Temperature-Stable Linear-in-dB Response
Log Slope of 22 mV/dB
True Integration Function in Control Loop
Low Power: 23 mW at 2.7 V
Power-Down to 11 μW
Single-Band, Dual-Band, and Triband Mobile Handsets (GSM, DCS, PCS, EDGE)
Wireless Terminal Devices
Transmitter Power Control