Analog Devices
The AD8015 is a wide bandwidth, single supply transimpedance amplifier optimized for use in a fiber optic receiver circuit.
Low Cost, Wide Bandwidth, Low Noise
Bandwidth: 240 MHz
Pulse Width Modulation: 500 ps
Rise Time/Fall Time: 1.5 ns
Input Current Noise: 3.0 pA/√Hz @ 100 MHz
Total Input RMS Noise: 26.5 nA to 100 MHz
Wide Dynamic Range
Optical Sensitivity: –36 dBm @ 155.52 Mbps
Peak Input Current: 6350 mA
Differential Outputs
Low Power: 5 V @ 25 mA
Wide Operating Temperature Range: –408C to +858C
Fiber Optic Receivers: SONET/SDH, FDDI, Fibre Channel
Stable Operation with High Capacitance Detectors
Low Noise Preamplifiers
Single-Ended to Differential Conversion
I-to-V Converters