Analog Devices
The AD5170 is a 256-position, two-time programmable (TTP) digital potentiometer1 that employs fuse link technology to enable two opportunities at permanently programming the resistance setting. OTP is a cost-effective alternative to EEMEM for users who do not need to program the digital potentiometer setting in memory more than once.
TTP (two-time programmable) set-and-forget resistance
setting allows second-chance permanent programming
Unlimited adjustments prior to OTP (one-time
programming) activation
OTP overwrite allows dynamic adjustments with user
defined preset
End-to-end resistance: 2.5 kΩ, 10 kΩ, 50 kΩ, 100 kΩ
Compact MSOP-10 (3 mm × 4.9 mm) package
Fast settling time: tS = 5 µs typ in power-up
Full read/write of wiper register
Power-on preset to midscale
Extra package address decode pins AD0 and AD1
Single-supply 2.7 V to 5.5 V
Low temperature coefficient: 35 ppm/°C
Low power, IDD = 6 µA maximum
Wide operating temperature: –40°C to +125°C
Evaluation board and software are available
Software replaces µC in factory programming applications
Systems calibration
Electronics level setting
Mechanical Trimmers® replacement in new designs
Permanent factory PCB setting
Transducer adjustment of pressure, temperature, position,
chemical, and optical sensors
RF amplifier biasing
Automotive electronics adjustment
Gain control and offset adjustment