Analog Devices
The AD22057 is a single-supply difference amplifier for amplifying and low-pass filtering small differential voltages (typically 100 mV FS at a gain of 40) from sources having a large common mode voltage.
Gain of 320. Alterable from x1 to x160
Input CMR from Below Ground to 6x (VS – 1 V)
Output Span 20 mV to (VS – 0.2) V
1-, 2-, 3-Pole Low-Pass Filtering Available
Accurate Midscale Offset Capability
Differential Input Resistance 400 kΩ
Drives 1 kV Load to +4 V Using VS = +5 V
Supply Voltage: +3.0 V to +36 V
Transient Spike Protection and RFI Filters Included
Peak Input Voltage (40 ms): 60 V
Reversed Supply Protection: –34 V
Operating Temperature Range: –40°C to +125°C
Current Sensing
Motor Control
Interface for Pressure Transducers, Position Indicators,
Strain Gages, and Other Low Level Signal Sources