Analog Devices
The AD1890 and AD1891 SamplePorts™ are fully digital, stereo Asynchronous Sample Rate Converters (ASRCs) that solve sample rate interfacing and compatibility problems in digital audio equipment. Conceptually, these converters interpolate the input data up to a very high internal sample rate with a time resolution of 300 ps, then decimate down to the desired output sample rate. The AD1890 is intended for 18- and 20-bit professional applications, and the AD1891 is intended for 16-bit lower cost applications where large dynamic sample-rate changes are not encountered.
Automatically Sense Sample Frequencies—No Programming Required
Tolerant of Sample Clock Jitter
Smooth Transition When Sample Clock Frequencies Cross
Accommodate Dynamically Changing Asynchronous Sample Clocks
8 kHz to 56 kHz Sample Clock Frequency Range
1:2 to 2:1 Ratio Between Sample Clocks
–106 dB THD+N at 1 kHz (AD1890)
120 dB Dynamic Range (AD1890)
Optimal Clock Tracking Control
–Short/Long Group Delay Modes
–Slow/Fast Settling Modes
Linear Phase in All Modes
Equivalent of 4 Million 22-Bit FIR Filter Coefficients Stored On-Chip
Automatic Output Mute
Flexible Four Wire Serial Interfaces
Low Power
Digital Mixing Consoles and Digital Audio Workstations
CD-R, DAT, DCC and MD Recorders
Multitrack Digital Audio and Video Tape Recorders
Studio to Transmitter Links
Digital Audio Signal Routers/Switches
Digital Audio Broadcast Equipment
High Quality D/A Converters
Digital Tape Recorder Varispeed Applications
Computer Communication and Multimedia Systems