ACR400SE 데이터시트 - Dynex Semiconductor

Dynex Semiconductor
■ The ACR400SE is an asymmetric thyristor which has exceptionally fast turn-off capabilities combined with good turn-on characteristics.
■ High Frequency Applications
■ Regulated Power Supplies
■ Capacitor Discharge
■ Ultrasonic Generators
■ Induction Heating
Fast Turn-off Asymmetric Thyristor
Dynex Semiconductor
Fast Turn-off Asymmetric Thyristor/Diode Module
Dynex Semiconductor
Fast Turn-on Asymmetric Thyristor
Dynex Semiconductor
Fast Turn-on Asymmetric Thyristor ( Rev : 2000 )
Dynex Semiconductor
Fast Turn-on Asymmetric Thyristor
Dynex Semiconductor
Gate Turn-off Thyristor ( Rev : 2000 )
Dynex Semiconductor
Gate Turn-off Thyristor ( Rev : 2000 )
Dynex Semiconductor
Gate Turn-off Thyristor
Dynex Semiconductor
Gate Turn-off Thyristor ( Rev : 2000 )
Dynex Semiconductor
Gate Turn-Off Thyristor ( Rev : 2000 )
Dynex Semiconductor