Integrated Circuit Systems
The ICS83026I is a low skew, 1-to-2 Differential-to-LVCMOS/LVTTL Fanout Buffer and a member of the HiPerClockS™ family of High Performance Clock Solutions from ICS.The differential input can accept most differential signal types (LVDS, LVHSTL, LVPECL, SSTL, and HCSL) and translate to two single-ended LVCMOS/LVTTL outputs with a maximum output skew of 20ps. The small 8-lead SOIC footprint makes this device ideal for use in applications with limited board space.
• 2 LVCMOS / LVTTL outputs
• Differential CLK, nCLK input pair
• CLK, nCLK pair can accept the following differential input levels: LVPECL, LVDS, LVHSTL, SSTL, HCSL
• Output frequency: 350MHz (typical)
• Output skew: 20ps (maximum)
• Part-to-part skew: 600ps (maximum)
• Small 8 lead SOIC package saves board space
• 3.3V operating supply
• -40°C to 85°C ambient operating temperature
• Lead-Free package available
• Pin-to-pin compatible with MC100EPT26