Micropac Industries
The 62017 is a P-N GaAs Infrared Light Emitting Diode in a lensed coaxial package designed to be mounted in a singleclad printed circuit board. It is spectrally and mechanically matched to companion phototransistors and photodarlingtons with its narrow beam angle lens and small size which make it ideal for use in optical encoders, card reader arrays, etc. This device is also available with a lead attached to the case so that it may be connected without the use of a printed board. Available binned to customer specifications and/or screened to MIL-PRF-19500.
• Hermetically sealed
• High output, 940nm
• Small package
• PC board mountable
• Spectrally matched to the 61053 series detector
• Incremental encoding
• Reflective sensors
• Position sensors
• Level sensors