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ADSP-BF523C(RevPrC) 데이터 시트보기 (PDF) - Analog Devices

Analog Devices 
ADSP-BF523C Datasheet PDF : 44 Pages
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Preliminary Technical Data
zipper noises. Standby and power-off modes may be used
dynamically under software control, whenever recording or
playing is not required.
The device supports a number of different sampling rates
including industry standard 8 kHz, 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz,
88.2 kHz and 96 kHz. Additionally, the device has an ADC and
DAC that can operate at different sample rates.
There are two unique schemes featured within the programma-
ble sample rates of the CODEC. Normal industry standard
256/384 × fS sampling mode may be used, with the added ability
to mix different sampling rates. A special USB mode is also
included, where all audio sampling rates can be generated from
a 12.00 MHz USB clock. Thus, for example, the ADC can record
to the processor at 44.1 kHz and be played back from the
CODEC at 8 kHz with no external digital signal processing
required. The digital filters used for both record and playback
are optimized for each sampling rate used.
The digitized output is available in a number of audio data for-
mats I2S, Frame Sync Mode (a burst mode in which frame sync
plus two data packed words are transmitted), MSB-first, left jus-
tified and MSB-first, right justified. The digital audio interface
can operate in both master or slave modes.
A crystal oscillator is included within the device. The device can
generate the master clock or alternatively it can accept an exter-
nal master clock.
This section describes the signal flow, starting with the inputs,
then the ADC/ADC filters, then the DAC filters/DAC, and
finally the outputs.
Each section shows a diagram describing the circuit inside the
CODEC, and a diagram showing the external components that
must be connected to the CODEC pins. The external compo-
nents are all shown together in Figure 2.
Line Inputs
The CODEC provides left and right channel line inputs
(RLINEIN and LLINEIN). The inputs are high impedance and
low capacitance, thus ideally suited to receiving line level signals
from external high-fidelity or audio equipment.
Rev. PrC | Page 5 of 44 | June 2008

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