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AH11-G 데이터 시트보기 (PDF) - TriQuint Semiconductor

TriQuint Semiconductor 
AH11-G Datasheet PDF : 7 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
High Dynamic Range Dual Amplifier
Mechanical Information
Package Information and Dimensions
This package is lead-free/Green/RoHS-
compliant. The plating material on the leads is
NiPdAu. It is compatible with both lead-free
(maximum 260C reflow temperature) and lead
(maximum 245C reflow temperature) soldering
The component will be marked with an “AH11-
G” designator with an alphanumeric lot code on
the top surface of the package.
Mounting Configuration
All dimensions are in millimeters (inches). Angles are in degrees.
1. Ground / thermal vias are critical for the proper performance of this device. Vias should use a .35mm (#80/.0135”) diameter drill and have a final
plated through diameter of .25mm (.010”)
2. Add as much copper as possible to inner and outer layers near the part to ensure optimal thermal performance.
3. To ensure reliable operation, device ground paddle-to-ground pad solder joint is critical.
4. Add mounting screws near the part to fasten the board to a heatsink. Ensure that the ground / thermal via region contacts the heatsink.
5. For optimal thermal performance, expose soldermask on backside where it contacts the heatsink.
6. RF trace width depends upon the PC board material and construction.
7. Use 1 oz. Copper minimum.
8. If the PCB design rules allow, ground vias should be placed under the land pattern for better RF and thermal performance. Otherwise ground vias
should be placed as close to the land pattern as possible.
9. All dimensions are in mm. Angles are in degrees.
Data Sheet: Rev A 0 6/23/11
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