3.2 Register Maps Tab
The Register Maps tab provides low level control over the register level settings of the CS5345, CS8406,
and FPGA. Each device is displayed on a separate tab. Register values can be modified bit-wise or byte-
wise. For bit-wise, click the appropriate push button for the desired bit. For byte-wise, the desired hex value
can be typed directly in the register address box in the register map.
Figure 2. Register Maps Tab
3.3 Pre-Configured Script Files
Pre-configured script files are provided with the CDB5345 to allow easy initial board bring-up. The board
configurations stored within these files are described in sections 3.3.1 - 3.3.2.
3.3.1 Oscillator Clock - ADC Ch 1 In to In to SPDIF & PGA Out
Using the pre-configured script file named “Oscillator Clock - ADC Ch 1 In to SPDIF & PGA Out.txt”, an an-
alog input signal applied to channel 1 of the CS5345 input multiplexer will be digitized by the ADC, transmit-
ted in S/PDIF format by the CS8406, and will be output through the active output filter and RCA jacks.
The canned oscillator is the source of MCLK. The CS5345 is the sub-clock master to the CS8406 and the
PCM1I/O header.