If the system software chooses to allow the Si30xx EVB
to go off hook, the handset is excluded from the phone
loop and is connected directly to the Si3000 EVB. Voice
traffic is handled by the Si3000 and system software is
responsible for creating a virtual voice connection
between the handset and the phone system through the
Si3000 and Si30xx devices.
Microphone Interface
A standard 3.5 mm mini-phono connector located on
the daughter card connector J2 is used to provide an
interface from an external microphone to the Si3000.
The input impedance to MIC input of the Si3000 is at
least 10 kW. The Si3000 has a programmable pre-
amplification to support many input line levels.
If Jumper JP3 on the daughter card is populated, the
microphone can be powered directly from the Si3000
MBIAS output. The MBIAS output provides a typical
voltage of 2.5 V and can supply up to 5 mA,
programmable through an external resistor. For
applications that cannot be met by the Si3000’s MBIAS
output, the jumper may be removed and an external
biasing voltage can be applied to the microphone.
Speaker Interface
A standard 3.5 mm mini-phone connector is located on
the daughter card connector J3. The Si3000 SPKRR
and SPKRL outputs are designed to drive 60 W loads
directly. To drive a 32 W headset, an external series
resistor (30 W) is needed. Driving a 32 W headset
directly may result in reduced THD and Dynamic Range
performance. The maximum voltage swing is 1 Vrms for
either the left or right speaker drivers. The Si3000
speaker outputs have programmable analog
Line Input Interface
A standard RCA jack on the daughter card connector J5
is used to provide the line-level audio inputs to the
Si3000. The Si3000 has a programmable pre-amplifier.
The input impedance of the LINEI is at least 10 k. The
Si3000 supports multiple levels of pre-amplification to
support various line-levels.
Line Output Interface
A standard RCA jack on the daughter card connector J4
is used to provide the line-level audio outputs from the
Si3000. The Si3000 line output gain is programmable.
The maximum output voltage is 1 Vrms.
PC Parallel Port
JP13 connects through the Silicon Labs custom ribbon
cable to the parallel port of the PC. The parallel port
connection allows the designer to read and write the
Si3000 register using the evaluation software included
with the Si3000PPT-EVB.
Configuring the Si3000PPT-EVB
The S3000PPT-EVB is used to interface the Si3000
audio codec to a PC or other audio system for easy
evaluation. It uses an FPGA to translate the parallel port
interface to the SSI bus to communicate to the Si3000.
The audio data and control data are communicated from
the controlling PC using the aforementioned software.
This mode allows the user to evaluate the Si3000
without any lab equipment other than a PC.
When in mode 0, the negative edge of FSYNC indicates
the starting of the frame, and FSYNC is low until the end
of data transfer. By selecting mode 1 operation, the
rising edge of FSYNC indicates the start of the frame
but is only high for one cycle. To evaluate the Si3000’s
multiple device operation, chain the slave boards with
JP3 and JP4 on the moterboard to set to Mode 2. See
Table 1 for a description of these operating modes.
Table 1. Mode Configuration
Mode M1 M2
FSYNC frames data
1 FSYNC pulse starts data frame
Slave mode
The evaluation board has the ability to interface in two
different modes of the SSI bus: 5-bit address space
operation is used for the Si3000/34/35/44, and 7-bit
address space operation is used for the Si3056. The on-
board FPGA will auto-detect the chip and set the
appropreate registers.
Rev. 0.1