Advantages by design
R = R0 $ R0 cos2 A
Magnetization A
The magnetoresistive effect in permalloy
MR sensors offer a uniquely versatile combination of features
and important cost benefits. Based on the MR effect,
specifically designed sensors for angle and linear displacement
measurements are also available from NXP, as are solutions for
weak field detection.
NXP sensors are based on the MR effect, where the resistance
of a current-carrying magnetic material, for example a permalloy
(19% Fe, 81% Ni) changes under the influence of an external
magnetic field. If an external field is applied, in the plane of the
current flow, the internal magnetization vector will rotate by the
angle of this field, changing the resistance of the material.
The MR sensor consists of four sensitive resistors in a
Wheatstone bridge configuration, with each resistor arranged
to maximize sensitivity and minimize temperature influences.
Such a Wheatstone bridge design along with the inherent
benefits of MR technology provides several advantages:
Ñ reduction of temperature drift
Ñ independent of mechanical assembly tolerances / shifts
Ñ maximum signal output
Ñ reduction of non-linearity
Tipical sensor bridge structure
NXP Semiconductors is in the process of being established as a separate legal entity in various countries worldwide. This process will be finalized in the course of 2006.
© 2006 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
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Date of release: September 2006
Document order number: 9397 750 15731
Printed in the Netherlands