NC (Pins 7, 8): No Connection.
PDRIVE 5 (Pin 9): High Current Drive for Top P-Channel
MOSFET, 5V Section. Voltage swing at this pin is from VIN5
to ground.
VIN5 (Pin 10): Supply pin, 5V section, must be closely
decoupled to 5V power ground Pin 18.
CT5 (Pin 11): External capacitor CT5 from Pin 11 to ground
sets the operating frequency for the 5V section. (The actual
frequency is also dependent upon the input voltage.)
INTVCC5 (Pin 12) : Internal supply voltage for the 5V
section, nominally 3.3V, can be decoupled to signal ground,
Pin 17. Do not externally load this pin.
ITH5 (Pin 13): Gain Amplifier Decoupling Point, 5V Sec-
tion. The 5V section current comparator threshold in-
creases with the Pin 13 voltage.
SENSE– 5 (Pin 14): Connects to internal resistive divider
which sets the output voltage for the 5V section. Pin 14 is
also the (–) input for the current comparator on the
5V section.
SENSE+5 (Pin 15): The (+) Input to the 5V Section Current
Comparator. A built-in offset between Pins 15 and 14 in
conjunction with RSENSE5 sets the current trip threshold
for the 5V section.
SHDN5 (Pin 16): When grounded, the 5V section operates
normally. Pulling Pin 16 high holds both MOSFETs off and
puts the 5V section in micropower shutdown mode.
Requires CMOS logic signal with tr, tf < 1µs. Do not “float”
Pin 16.
SGND5 (Pin 17): The 5V section small-signal ground must
be routed separately from other grounds to the (–) termi-
nal of the 5V section output capacitor.
PGND5 (Pin 18): The 5V section driver power ground
connects to source of N-channel MOSFET and the (–)
terminal of the 5V section input capacitor.
NC (Pin 19): No Connection.
NDRIVE 5 (Pin 20): High Current Drive for Bottom
N-Channel MOSFET, 5V Section. Voltage swing at Pin 20
is from ground to VIN5.
NC (Pins 21, 22): No Connection.
PDRIVE 3 (Pin 23): High Current Drive for Top P-Channel
MOSFET, 3.3V Section. Voltage swing at this pin is from
VIN3 to ground.
VIN3 (Pin 24): Supply pin, 3.3V section, must be closely
decoupled to 3.3V power ground, Pin 4.
CT3 (Pin 25): External capacitor CT3 from Pin 25 to ground
sets the operating frequency for the 3.3V section. (The
actual frequency is also dependent upon the input voltage.)
INTVCC3 (Pin 26): Internal supply voltage for the 3.3V
section, nominally 3.3V, can be decoupled to signal ground,
Pin 3. Do not externally load this pin.
ITH3 (Pin 27): Gain Amplifier Decoupling Point, 3.3V
Section. The 3.3V section current comparator threshold
increases with the Pin 27 voltage.
SENSE – 3 (Pin 28): Connects to internal resistive divider
which sets the output voltage for the 3.3V section. Pin 28
is also the (–) input for the current comparator on the
3.3V section.
SENSE+1 (Pin 1): The (+) Input to the Section 1 Current
Comparator. A built-in offset between Pins 1 and 28 in
conjunction with RSENSE1 sets the current trip threshold
for this section.
VFB1 (Pin 2): This pin serves as the feedback pin from an
external resistive divider used to set the output voltage for
section 1.
SHDN1 (Pin 3): When grounded, the section 1 regulator
operates normally. Pulling Pin 3 high holds both MOSFETs
off and puts this section in micropower shutdown mode.
Requires CMOS logic signal with tr, tf < 1µs. Do not “float”
Pin 3.
SGND1 (Pin 4): The section 1 small-signal ground must
be routed separately from other grounds to the (–) termi-
nal of the section 1 output capacitor.
PGND1 (Pin 5): The section 1 driver power ground con-
nects to source of N-channel MOSFET and the (–) terminal
of the section 1 input capacitor.