Drawing No.
K1101-13754-432 9/11
8.Enviromental requirements
After following test, frequency shall not change more than ±20×10-6
And CI,±20% or 5Ωof large value.
8.1 Resistance to Shock
Test condition
Natural dropped from height 100cm onto hard wood
board in 3 times
8.2 Resistance to Vibration
Test condition
Cycle time
: 10-55 -10 Hz
: 1.5mm
: 15 minutes
: X,Y,Z (3direction),2 h each.
8.3 Resistance to Heat
Test condition
The quartz crystal unit shall be stored at a
temperature of +85±2°C for 500 h.
Then it shal be subjected to standard atmospheric
conditions for 1 h ,after whichi measurement shall
be made.
8.4 Resistance to Cold
Test condition
The quartz crystal unit shall be stored at a
temperature of -40±2°C for 500 h.
Then it shal be subjected to standard atmospheric
conditions for 1 h ,after whichi measurement shall
be made.
8.5 Thermal Shock
Test condition
The quartz crystal unit shall be subjected to 500
succesive change of temperature cycles ,each as
shown in table below,Then it shall be subjected
to standard atmospheric conditions for 1h,after
which measurements shall be made.
:-40±2°C(30min.)to 25±2°C(5min.)
to +85±2°C(30min.)to 25±2°C(5min.)
KYOCERA Crystal Device Corporation