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SC28L92 데이터 시트보기 (PDF) - Philips Electronics

SC28L92 Datasheet PDF : 44 Pages
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Philips Semiconductors
3.3V–5.0V Dual Universal Asynchronous
Receiver/Transmitter (DUART)
Product specification
This continues regardless of issuance of the stop counter command.
ISR[3] is reset by the stop counter command.
NOTE: Reading of the CTU and CTL registers in the timer mode is
not meaningful. When the C/T is used to generate a baud rate and
the C/T is selected through the CSR then the receivers and/or
transmitter will be operating in the 16x mode. Calculation for the
number ‘n’ to program the counter timer upper and lower registers is
shown below. N=2 x 16 x Baud rate desired/(C/T Clock Frequency
Often this division will result in a non–integer number; 26.3 for
example. One can only program integer numbers to a digital divider.
Therefore 26 would be chosen. This gives a baud rate error of
0.3/26.3 which is 1.14%; well within the ability of the asynchronous
mode of operation.
Counter Mode
In the counter mode the counter/timer counts the value of the CTLR
CTUR down to zero and then sets the ISR[3] bit and sets the
counter/timer output from 1 to 0. It then rolls over to 65,365 and
continues counting with no further observable effect. Reading the
C/T in the counter mode outputs the present state of the C/T. If the
C/T is not stopped, a read of the C/T may result in changing data on
the data bus.
Timeout Mode
The timeout mode uses the received data stream to control the
counter. The time–out mode forces the C/T into the timer mode.
Each time a received character is transferred from the shift register
to the RxFIFO, the counter is restarted. If a new character is not
received before the counter reaches zero count, the counter ready
bit is set, and an interrupt can be generated. This mode can be
used to indicate when data has been left in the Rx FIFO for more
than the programmed time limit. If the receiver has been
programmed to interrupt the CPU when the receive FIFO is full, and
the message ends before the FIFO is full, the CPU will not be
interrupted for the remaining characters in the RxFIFO.
By programming the C/T such that it would time out in just over one
character time, the above situation could be avoided. The
processor would be interrupted any time the data stream had
stopped for more than one character time. NOTE: This is very
similar to the watch dog time of MR0. The difference is in the
programmability of the delay time and that the watchdog timer is
restarted by either a receiver load to the RxFIFO or a system read
from it.
This mode is enabled by writing the appropriate command to the
command register. Writing an ‘Ax’ to CRA or CRB will invoke the
timeout mode for that channel. Writing a ‘Cx’ to CRA or CRB will
disable the timeout mode. Only one receiver should use this mode
at a time. However, if both are on, the timeout occurs after both
receivers have been inactive for the timeout period. The start of the
C/T will be on the logical or of the two receivers.
The timeout mode disables the regular START/STOP counter
commands and puts the C/T into counter mode under the control of
the received data stream. Each time a received character is
transferred from the shift register to the RxFIFO, the C/T is stopped
after one C/T clock, reloaded with the value in CTUR and CTLR and
then restarted on the next C/T clock. If the C/T is allowed to end the
count before a new character has been received, the counter ready
Bit, ISR[3], will be set. If IMR [3] is set, this will generate an
interrupt. Since receiving a character restarts the C/T, the receipt of
a character after the C/T has timed out will clear the counter ready
bit, ISR [3], and the interrupt. Invoking the ‘Set Timeout Mode On’
command, CRx=‘Ax’, will also clear the counter ready bit and stop
the counter until the next character is received. The counter timer is
controlled with six commands: Start/Stop C/T, Read/Write
Counter/Timer lower register and Read/Write Counter/Timer upper
register. These commands have slight differences depending on the
mode of operation. Please see the detail of the commands under
the CTLR CTUR Register descriptions.
Time Out Mode Caution
When operating in the special time out mode, it is possible to
generate what appears to be a “false interrupt”, i.e., an interrupt
without a cause. This may result when a time–out interrupt occurs
and then, BEFORE the interrupt is serviced, another character is
received, i.e., the data stream has started again. (The interrupt
latency is longer than the pause in the data stream.) In this case,
when a new character has been receiver, the counter/timer will be
restarted by the receiver, thereby withdrawing its interrupt. If, at this
time, the interrupt service begins for the previously seen interrupt, a
read of the ISR will show the “Counter Ready” bit not set. If nothing
else is interrupting, this read of the ISR will return a x’00 character.
This action may present the appearance of a spurious interrupt.
Communications Channels A and B
Each communications channel of the SC28L92 comprises a
full-duplex asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART). The operating
frequency for each receiver and transmitter can be selected
independently from the baud rate generator, the counter/timer, or
from an external input. The transmitter accepts parallel data from the
CPU, converts it to a serial bit stream, inserts the appropriate start,
stop, and optional parity bits and outputs a composite serial stream
of data on the TxD output pin. The receiver accepts serial data on
the RxD pin, converts this serial input to parallel format, checks for
start bit, stop bit, parity bit (if any), or break condition and sends an
assembled character to the CPU via the receive FIFO. Three status
bits (Break Received, Framing and Parity Errors) are also FIFOed
with each data character.
Input Port
The inputs to this unlatched 7-bit (6-bit for 68xxx mode) port can be
read by the CPU by performing a read operation at address H’D’. A
High input results in a logic 1 while a Low input results in a logic 0.
D7 will always read as a logic 1. The pins of this port can also serve
as auxiliary inputs to certain portions of the DUART logic, modem
and DMA.
Four change-of-state detectors are provided which are associated
with inputs IP3, IP2, IP1 and IP0. A High-to-Low or Low-to-High
transition of these inputs, lasting longer than 25–50 µs, will set the
corresponding bit in the input port change register. The bits are
cleared when the register is read by the CPU. Any change-of-state
can also be programmed to generate an interrupt to the CPU.
The input port change of state detection circuitry uses a 38.4 kHz
sampling clock derived from one of the baud rate generator taps. This
results in a sampling period of slightly more than 25 µs (this assumes
that the clock input is 3.6864 MHz). The detection circuitry, in order to
guarantee that a true change in level has occurred, requires two
successive samples at the new logic level be observed. As a
consequence, the minimum duration of the signal change is 25 µs if
the transition occurs “coincident with the first sample pulse”. The
50 µs time refers to the situation in which the change-of-state is “just
missed” and the first change-of-state is not detected until 25 µs later.
Output Port
The output ports are controlled from six places: the OPCR, OPR,
MR, Command, SOPR and ROPR registers. The OPCR register
2000 Jan 21

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