1. Open-drain outputs with pullups include Port 1, P2.6 and P2.7.
2. Test modes are entered at the RESET rising edge by applying V IL to one or more of the following pins: TXD, RD, WR , HLDA. To avoid entering a test mode,
ensure that these pins remain above VIH at the rising edge of RESET .
3. Inputs/outputs with pullup resistors include: RESET, Port 1, P2.0, P2.6, P2.7, WR, BHE, AD0-15, RD, ALE, CLKOUT.
4. Inputs/outputs will pulldown resistors include: NMI, HS0.0-HS0.3, P2.5, INST.
5. The ISO1 spec applies to pins RESET, BHE, R D, CLKOUT.
6. Tested only at initial qualification and after any design or process changes which may affect this characteristic.
7. Not more than one output may be shorted at a time for maximum duration of one second.
8. For standard outputs not covered by IOHI spec.