1. RθJA is the sum of the junction-to-case and case-to-ambient thermal resistance where the case thermal reference is defined as the solder mounting surface of
the drain pins. RθJC is guaranteed by design while RθCA is determined by the user's board design.
a) RθJA = 40°C/W when mounted on a
1in2 pad of 2 oz copper
b) RθJA = 96°C/W when mounted
on a minimum pad.
Scale 1 : 1 on letter size paper
2. Pulse Test: Pulse Width < 300µs, Duty Cycle < 2.0%
3. Maximum current is calculated as:
where PD is maximum power dissipation at TC = 25°C and RDS(on) is at TJ(max) and VGS = 10V. Package current limitation is 21A
FDD/ FDU6692 Rev. C(W)