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STK14C88-N45 데이터 시트보기 (PDF) - Unspecified

STK14C88-N45 Datasheet PDF : 12 Pages
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The STK14C88-M has two separate modes of oper-
ation: SRAM mode and nonvolatile mode. In SRAM
mode, the memory operates as a standard fast
static RAM. In nonvolatile mode, data is transferred
from SRAM to EEPROM (the STORE operation) or
from EEPROM to SRAM (the RECALL operation). In
this mode SRAM functions are disabled.
The STK14C88-M is a high-speed memory and so
must have a high frequency bypass capacitor of
approximately 0.1µF connected between VCAP and
VSS, using leads and traces that are as short as pos-
sible. As with all high-speed CMOS ICs, normal care-
ful routing of power, ground and signals will help
prevent noise problems.
The STK14C88-M performs a READ cycle whenever
E and G are low and W and HSB are high. The
address specified on pins A0-14 determines which of
the 32,768 data bytes will be accessed. When the
READ is initiated by an address transition, the out-
puts will be valid after a delay of tAVQV (READ cycle
#1). If the READ is initiated by E or G, the outputs will
be valid at tELQV or at tGLQV, whichever is later (READ
cycle #2). The data outputs will repeatedly respond
to address changes within the tAVQV access time with-
out the need for transitions on any control input pins,
and will remain valid until another address change or
until E or G is brought high, or W or HSB is brought
A WRITE cycle is performed whenever E and W are
low and HSB is high. The address inputs must be
stable prior to entering the WRITE cycle and must
remain stable until either E or W goes high at the
end of the cycle. The data on the common I/O pins
DQ0-7 will be written into the memory if it is valid tDVWH
before the end of a W controlled WRITE or tDVEH
before the end of an E controlled WRITE.
It is recommended that G be kept high during the
entire WRITE cycle to avoid data bus contention on
common I/O lines. If G is left low, internal circuitry will
turn off the output buffers tWLQZ after W goes low.
During power up, or after any low-power condition
(VCAP < VRESET), an internal RECALL request will be
latched. When VCAP once again exceeds the sense
voltage of VSWITCH, a RECALL cycle will automatically
be initiated and will take tRESTORE to complete.
If the STK14C88-M is in a WRITE state at the end of
power-up RECALL, the SRAM data will be corrupted.
To help avoid this situation, a 10K Ohm resistor
should be connected either between W and system
VCC or between E and system VCC.
The STK14C88-M software STORE cycle is initiated
by executing sequential E controlled READ cycles
from six specific address locations. During the
STORE cycle an erase of the previous nonvolatile
data is first performed, followed by a program of the
nonvolatile elements. The program operation copies
the SRAM data into nonvolatile memory. Once a
STORE cycle is initiated, further input and output are
disabled until the cycle is completed.
Because a sequence of READs from specific
addresses is used for STORE initiation, it is impor-
tant that no other READ or WRITE accesses inter-
vene in the sequence, or the sequence will be
aborted and no STORE or RECALL will take place.
To initiate the software STORE cycle, the following
READ sequence must be performed:
1. Read address
2. Read address
3. Read address
4. Read address
5. Read address
6. Read address
0E38 (hex)
31C7 (hex)
03E0 (hex)
3C1F (hex)
303F (hex)
0FC0 (hex)
Valid READ
Valid READ
Valid READ
Valid READ
Valid READ
Initiate STORE cycle
The software sequence must be clocked with E con-
trolled READs.
Once the sixth address in the sequence has been
entered, the STORE cycle will commence and the
chip will be disabled. It is important that READ cycles
and not WRITE cycles be used in the sequence,
although it is not necessary that G be low for the
sequence to be valid. After the tSTORE cycle time has
been fulfilled, the SRAM will again be activated for
READ and WRITE operation.
April 1999

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