Connection diagram
ZXLD1320EV1 Set-up and Test
1. Preset the PSU to 8V with the current limited to around 1.5A.
2. Connect LED+ and LED- to the Anode and Cathode, respectively, of an off-board high power LED.
3. Connect VIN and GND to positive and zero volts of the PSU supply respectively.
4. Turn on the PSU.
5. The LED should illuminate and be regulated at 1A/1.5A +/-5%.
6. The input current measured should be between 0.5A and 0.7A for the 1A option and between 0.8A and 1A
for the 1.5A option.
Caution: A LED with an appropriate current rating should be used.
Issue 2 - February 2008
© Zetex Semiconductors plc, 2008