T.S.D is capable of starting operation at Tc 120 to 130°C. When this is converted to junction temperature (Tj) according to
the formula below.
Tj ≈ 165C,
Tj = Qjc.Pd + Tc
As T.S.D operation progresses, the output pin bias voltage drops, and it becomes harder to drive the upper waveform.
Therefore, the current (ICC) and power (PO) show a tendency to decrease.
Proper Cares in Mounting Radiator Fin
1. The mounting torque is in the range of 1. The mounting torque is in the range of 39 to 59
2. The distance between screw holes of the radiator fin must coincide with the distance between screw holes of the IC.
3. The screw to be used must have a head equivalent to the one of truss machine screw or binder machine screw defined
by JIS. Washers must be also used to protect the IC case.
4. No foreign matter such as cutting particles shall exist between heat sink and radiator fin. When applying grease on
the junction surface, it must be applied uniformly on the whole surface.
5. Because the heat sink mounting tab and the heat sink are at the same electric potential as the chip’s GND, care must
be taken when mounting the heat sink on more than one device.
6. IC lead pins are soldered to the printed circuit board after the radiator fin is mounted on the IC.
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PS No.3309-9/9