Shindengen America, Inc.
Head Office
2985 E. Hillcrest Drive, Suite 140
Westlake Village, CA91362, U.S.A.
Phone:(1)-805-373-1130 Fax:(1)-805-373-3710
Chicago Office
411 Business Center Drive, Suite 112
Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 U.S.A.
Phone:(1)-847-827-7100 Fax:(1)-847-827-7122
Shindengen UK Ltd.
Howard Court, 12 Tewin Road,
Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire. AL7 IBW
Phone:(44)-1707-332-992 Fax:(44)-1707-332-955
German Branch Office
Kaiser-Strasse 25, D-40479 Dusseldorf, Germany
Phone:(49)-211-491968-0 Fax:(49)-211-4986499
Shindengen Singapore PTE Ltd.
159, Sin Ming Road #04-07, Amtech Building Singapore 575625
Phone:65-6552-3635 Fax:65-6552-4210
Shindengen (H.K.) Co., Ltd.
Head Office
Suite 3206, 32/F, Tower 1, The Gateway, 25 Canton Road, TST,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Phone:(852)-2317-1884 Fax:(852)-2314-8561
Taipei Branch
Room N1010, 10F, Chia-Hsin Bldg. 2 No. 96, SEC. 2, Chung Shan N.
RD Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C.
Phone:886-2-2560-3990 Fax:886-2-2560-3991
Shanghai Liaison Office
W504, Sun Plaza, No.88 Xianxia Road Shanghai 200336, China
Phone:86-21-6270-1173 Fax:86-21-6270-0419
Shindengen Electric Mfg. Co., Ltd.
Seoul Office
Korea City Air-Terminal Bldg. 606, 159-6 Samsung-Dong
Kangnam-ku, Seoul, Korea
Phone:82(2)551-1431 Fax:82(2)551-1432
Taiwan Representative Office
Room N1010, 10F, Chia-Hsin Bldg.No.96,Sec.2 Chung Shan N. Road,
Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C.
Phone:886(2)2560-3990 Fax:886(2)2560-3991
Malaysia Regional Office
Suite A202, 2nd Floor, West Wing, Wisma Tractors No.7
Jalan SS 16/1, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Phone:60-3-5633-0834 Fax:60-3-5633-1179
Ikebukuro office:
Ikebukuro. YS Bldg., 1-13-23, Minami-Ikebukuro, Toshima-
ku, Tokyo 171-0022, Japan
Phone : (81)-03-5951-8105, 8130
Fax : (81)-03-5951-8090
This product is classified as the integrated circuit specified in Item 7 in the Attached Table No. 1 to the Export Trade Control Order and in Article 6 of the
Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry.
* This product is subject to the KNOW regulation.
May 2002
02500 (NQ)