MTD 800
Location Width Descr iption
Cache Line 0CH
The value is 00H after har dware r eset.
This field is readable and writable. This register specifies the
cache line size for one burst. All of Memory Write and Inval-
idate, Memory Read Line and Memory Read Multiple cache-
oriented commands must transfer data in a burst limited by
Cache Line Size. The chip only supports CLS of 8, 16 and 32
longwords. If an attempt is made to write an unsupported
value to this register, the chip behaves as if a value of zero
was written.
8-Bit The value is 00H after har dware r eset.
This field is readable and writable. This register limits the
maximum time in which the device is permitted to access the
8-Bit The value is 0 after har dware reset.
At final state, this field is loaded from EEPROM. This regis-
ter indicates how long the device needs to convey the data in
a burst . It is in a unit of 0.25us
8-Bit The value is 0 after har dware reset.
At final state, this field is loaded from EEPROM. This regis-
ter indicates how often the device needs to convey the data.
It is in a unit of 0.25us.
There are three base address registers. They are located at configuration address of 10H, 14H and 30H
respectively. Following are the descriptions of these registers.
Table 4.6 I/O Map Base Address Register ( CFIOBR )
IO Space Indicator Bit 0
Descr iption
This Field is har dwir ed to 1.
Reser ved
IO Space Size
Bit 1
Bit 2~6
A value of 1 indicates that the register presents IO Base Address
This field is har dwir ed to 0.
This field is har dwir ed to 0.
IO Base Address
These bits are hardwired to 0 to indicate the device requires IO
space in size of 128 longwords.
The value is 0 after har dware r eset.
These bits is readable and writable. This field can be programmed
by BIOS to specify the base address.
Table 4.7 Memory Map Base Address Register ( CFMBR )
MTD800 Revision 0.0 07/20/1999