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IDT7007L 데이터 시트보기 (PDF) - Integrated Device Technology

Integrated Device Technology 
IDT7007L Datasheet PDF : 22 Pages
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High-Speed 32K x 8 Dual-Port Static RAM
Once the left side was finished with its task, it would write a one to
Semaphore 0 and may then try to gain access to Semaphore 1. If
Semaphore 1 was still occupied by the right side, the left side could undo
its semaphore request and perform other tasks until it was able to write, then
read a zero into Semaphore 1. If the right processor performs a similar task
with Semaphore 0, this protocol would allow the two processors to swap
16K blocks of Dual-Port RAM with each other.
The blocks do not have to be any particular size and can even be
variable, depending upon the complexity of the software using the
semaphore flags. All eight semaphores could be used to divide the Dual-
Port RAM or other shared resources into eight parts. Semaphores can
even be assigned different meanings on different sides rather than being
given a common meaning as was shown in the example above.
Semaphores are a useful form of arbitration in systems like disk
interfaces where the CPU must be locked out of a section of memory during
a transfer and the I/O device cannot tolerate any wait states. With the use
of semaphores, once the two devices has determined which memory area
Military, Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges
was “off-limits” to the CPU, both the CPU and the I/O devices could access
their assigned portions of memory continuously without any wait states.
Semaphores are also useful in applications where no memory “WAIT”
state is available on one or both sides. Once a semaphore handshake has
been performed, both processors can access their assigned RAM
segments at full speed.
Another application is in the area of complex data structures. In this
case, block arbitration is very important. For this application one processor
may be responsible for building and updating a data structure. The other
processor then reads and interprets that data structure. If the interpreting
processor reads an incomplete data structure, a major error condition may
exist. Therefore, some sort of arbitration must be used between the two
different processors. The building processor arbitrates for the block, locks
it and then is able to go in and update the data structure. When the update
is completed, the data structure block is released. This allows the
interpreting processor to come back and read the complete data structure,
thereby guaranteeing a consistent data structure.

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