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B1500A 데이터 시트보기 (PDF) - HP => Agilent Technologies

HP => Agilent Technologies 
B1500A Datasheet PDF : 23 Pages
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Voltage range, resolution, and accuracy (high speed ADC)
Voltage range Force resolution Measure resolution Force accuracy¹
Measure accuracy¹
±0.5 V
25 µV
0.5 µV
±(0.018 % + 150 µV) ±(0.01 % + 250 µV)
±2 V
100 µV
2 µV
±(0.018 % + 400 µV) ±(0.01 % + 700 µV)
±5 V
250 µV
5 µV
±(0.018 % + 750 µV) ±(0.01 % + 2 mV)
±20 V
1 mV
20 µV
±(0.018 % + 3 mV)
±(0.01 % + 4 mV)
±40 V
2 mV
40 µV
±(0.018 % + 6 mV)
±(0.015 % + 8 mV)
±100 V
5 mV
100 µV
±(0.018 % + 15 mV) ±(0.02 % + 20 mV)
1. ± (% of read value + offset voltage V)
2. 100 mA (Vo ≤ 20 V), 50 mA (20 V < Vo ≤ 40 V), 20 mA (40 V < Vo ≤ 100 V), Vo is the output voltage in Volts.
Maximum current
100 mA
100 mA
100 mA
100 mA
Current range, resolution, and accuracy (high speed ADC)
SMU type
Current Force
range resolution resolution¹,²
Force accuracy³
Measure accuracy³
HRSMU w/ ASU ±1 pA
1 fA
100 aA
±(0.9 %+15 fA)
±(1.8 %+12 fA)
100 V
±10 pA
5 fA 400 aA (with ASU) ±(0.46 %+30 fA+10 aA x Vo) ±(0.5 %+15 fA+10 aA x Vo)
100 V
1 fA (HRSMU)
±100 pA
5 fA 500 aA (with ASU) ±(0.3 %+100 fA+100 aA x Vo) ±(0.5 %+40 fA+100 aA x Vo) 100 V
2 fA (HRSMU)
MPSMU ±1 nA 50 fA
10 fA
±(0.1 %+300 fA+1 fA x Vo) ±(0.25 %+300 fA+1 fA x Vo) 100 V
±10 nA 500 fA
10 fA
±(0.1 %+3 pA+10 fA x Vo) ±(0.25 %+2 pA+10 fA x Vo)
100 V
±100 nA
5 pA
100 fA
±(0.05 %+30 pA+100 fA x Vo) ±(0.1 %+20 pA+100 fA x Vo) 100 V
±1 µA 50 pA
1 pA
±(0.05 %+300 pA+1 pA x Vo) ±(0.1 %+200 pA+1 pA x Vo) 100 V
±10 µA 500 pA
10 pA
±(0.05 %+3 nA+10 pA x Vo) ±(0.05 %+2 nA+10 pA x Vo) 100 V
±100 µA
5 nA
100 pA
±(0.035 %+15 nA+100 pA x Vo) ±(0.05 %+20 nA+100 pA x Vo) 100 V
±1 mA 50 nA
1 nA
±(0.04 %+150 nA+1 nA x Vo) ±(0.04 %+200 nA+1 nA x Vo) 100 V
±10 mA 500 nA
10 nA
±(0.04 %+1.5 µA+10 nA x Vo) ±(0.04 %+2 µA+10 nA x Vo) 100 V
±100 mA
5 µA
100 nA
±(0.045 %+15 µA+100 nA x Vo) ±(0.1 %+20 µA+100 nA x Vo)
1. Specified measurement resolution is limited by fundamental noise limits. Minimum displayed resolution is 1 aA at 1 pA range by 6 digits.
2. Measurements made in the lower ranges can be greatly impacted by vibrations and shocks. These specifications assume an environment free of
these factors.
3. ± (% of read value + offset current (fixed part determined by the output/measurement range + proportional part that is multiplied by Vo))
4. 100 V (Io ≤ 20 mA), 40 V (20 mA < Io ≤ 50 mA), 20 V (50 mA < Io ≤ 100 mA), Io is the output current in Amps.
Power consumption
Voltage source mode
Voltage range
0.5 V
20 x Ic (W)
20 x Ic (W)
20 x Ic (W)
20 V
20 x Ic (W)
40 V
40 x Ic (W)
100 V
100 x Ic (W)
Where Ic is the current compliance setting.
Current source mode
Voltage compliance Power
Vc ≤ 20
20 x Io (W)
20 < Vc ≤ 40
40 x Io (W)
40 < Vc ≤ 100
100 x Io (W)
Where Vc is the voltage compliance setting
and Io is output current.
MPSMU and HRSMU measurement and output range
Current (mA)
-40 -20
20 40
Voltage (V)

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