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LA1193V 데이터 시트보기 (PDF) - SANYO -> Panasonic

LA1193V Datasheet PDF : 22 Pages
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Ordering number : EN4715B
Monolithic Linear IC
For Car Radios
High-Performance FM Front End
The LA1193M and LA1193V are front-end ICs developed for use in car radios. It incorporates an extremely wide dynamic
range mixer and a new AGC system consisting of a dual-system wide-band AGC and a new keyed AGC to provide
excellent interference suppression characteristics.
Improved interference characteristics
— Expanded mixer input dynamic range
Mixer input usable sensitivity : 15dBµ
Mixer input I.M. QS :
(The dynamic range has been increased by 6dB over the earlier LA1175M.)
— Development of a new wide-band AGC circuit
Improved interference characteristics for both nearchannel interference and far-channel interference Improved
interference characteristics for the TV band
— Development of a 3D-AGC system
The adjacent channel two-signal interference characteristics can be effectively improved without degrading the
strong-field three-signal interference characteristics during keyed AGC operation.
Improved stability design
— AGC circuit local oscillator isolation
Measures were taken to prevent the deterioration of AMR, noise level, THD and other characteristics during AGC
— AGC circuit incorrect operation measures
The LA1193M provides methods to prevent incorrect operation due to local oscillator injection and loss of DC balance.
Improved temperature characteristics
— Conversion gain
— AGC sensitivity
— Antenna damping drive output current
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52808 MS JK/31097HA (OT)/61094TH(OT) A8-9997 No. 4715-1/22

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