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ETL9444 데이터 시트보기 (PDF) - STMicroelectronics

ETL9444 Datasheet PDF : 27 Pages
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The 8 L drivers, when enabled, output the contents
of latched Q data to the L I/O ports. Also, the
contents of L may be read directly into A and M. L
I/O ports can be directly connected to the segments
of a multiplexed LED display (using the LED Direct
Drive output configuration option) with Q data being
outputted to the Sa - Sg and decimal point segments
of the display.
The SIO register functions as a 4-bit serial-in/serial-
out shift register or as a binary counter depending
on the contents of the EN register. (See EN register
description, below). Its contents can be exchanged
with A, allowing it to input or output a continuous se-
rial data stream, SIO may also be used to provide
additional parallel I/O by connecting SO to external
serial-in/parallel-out shift registers.
The XAS instruction copies C into the SKL latch. In
the counter mode, SK is the output of SKL ; in the
shift register mode, SK outputs SKL ANDed with the
The EN register is an internal 4-bit register loaded
under program control by the LEI instruction. The
state of each bit of this register selects or deselects
the particular feature associated with each bit of the
EN register (EN3-EN0).
1. The least significant bit of the enable register,
EN0, selects the SIO register as either a4-bit shift
register or a 4-bit binary counter. With EN0 set,
SIO is an asynchronous binary counter, decre-
menting its value by one upon each low-going
pulse (”1” to ”0”) ocurring on the SI input. Each
pulse must be at least two instruction cycles
wide. SK outputs the value of SKL. The SO out-
put is equal to the value of EN3. With EN0 reset,
SIO is a serial shift register shifting left each in-
struction cycle time. The data present at SI goes
into the least significant bit of SIO. SO can be en-
abled to output the most significant bit of SIO
each cycle time. (See 4 below). The SK output
becomes a logic-controlled clock.
2. With EN1 set the IN1 input is enabled as an in-
terrupt input. Immediately following an interrupt,
EN1 is reset to disable further interrupts.
3. With EN2 set, the L drivers are enabled to output
the data in Q to the L I/O ports. Resetting EN2 di-
sables the L drivers, placing the L I/O ports in a
high-impedance input state.
4. EN3, in conjunction with EN0, affects the SO out-
put. With EN0 set (binary counter option selec-
ted) SO will output the value loaded into EN3.
With EN0 reset (serial shift register option selec-
ted), setting EN3 enables SO as the output of the
SIO shift register, outputting serial shifted data
each instruction time. Resetting EN3 with the se-
rial shift register option selected disables SO as
the shift register output ; data continues to be
shifted through SIO and can be exchanged with
A via an XAS instruction but SO remains reset to
”0”. The table below provides a summary of the
modes associated with EN3 and EN0.
Enable Register Modes - Bits EN3 and EN 0
Shift Register
Input to Shift Register
Shift Register
Input to Shift Register
Binary Counter Input to Binary Counter
Binary Counter Input to Binary Counter
Serial Out
If SKL = 1, SK = Clock
If SKL = 0, SK = 0
If SKL = 1, SK = Clock
If SKL = 0, SK = 0
If SKL = 1, SK = 1
If SKL = 0, SK = 0
If SKL = 1, SK = 1
If SKL = 0, SK = 0
The following features are associated with the IN1
interrupt procedure and protocol and must be consi-
dered by the programmer when utilizing interrupts.
a. The interrupt, once acknowledged as explained
below, pushes the next sequential program
counter address (PC + 1) onto the stack, pushing
in turn the contents of the other subroutine-save
registers to the next lower level
(PC + 1 SA SB SC). Any previous
contents of SC are lost. The program counter is
set to hex address 0FF (the last word of page 3)
and EN1 is reset.
b. An interrupt will be acknowledged only after the
following conditions are met :
1. EN1 has been set.
2. A low-going pulse (”1” to ”0”) at least two in-
struction cycles wide occurs on the IN1 input.
3. A currently executing instruction has been

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