Group Configuration (continued)
The entry of sections for each group is truly random and
without limitation. However, there is a limit in the total
number of entries for eight groups, which is 992 in the
API8108A It is acceptable to allocate all entries into only
one group or distribute out to other groups. It depends on
how many groups of messages are required.
Programmable Options
Groups in API8108A can have independent options. They
* Edge or Level trigger
* Unholdable or Holdable trigger
* Retriggerable or non-retriggerable
* LED1, LED2, Busy, and Stop pulse are configurable
* Four selections in playback frequency
Selections in Triggering
The API8108A can be triggered in different ways, Edge or
Level trigger, Holdable or Unholdable, Retriggerable or
Non-retriggerable. The combinations of the triggering op-
tions provide versatile playback.
By enabling Retrigger, the playback can be controlled in
Stop and Start mode. A trigger on any trigger pin will stop the
content message and start the next message immediately.
Selections in Playback Frequency
This option provides four choices for each group in frequency
which implies it is possible to have four different sampling
rates in one chip or one sample rate with a different playback
frequency. As a matter of fact, the available choices are also
dependent on the pullup resistor value at the OSC pin. For
example, if the fundamental frequency choice is F, it can
provide choices in x1, x1-1/2, x2, x3.
Selections in Output Buffer
There are three independent output pins, OUT1, OUT2, and
OUT3, available for several combinations of LED1, LED2,
Stop Pulse, and Busy Signal for each group. The following
table illustrates the four different combinations.
1. LED1
2. Stop
3. Busy
4. LED2
LED1 and LED2 are complemented outputs flashing at
approximately a 3 Hz rate. Stop pulse (STOP) gives a 15 ms
positive pulse at the end of the playback for each Group with
option have or do not have the Stop pulse.
Busy is active high and Section dependent but not Group
dependent. Even if same section in different group may
have different output in Busy output. For instance, BUSY
can be high for Section 4 in Group 1 but low in Group 4.
BUSY can be used as a synchronous signal. During standby
mode all three outputs must be low.
Software Support
APLUS provides dedicated software to the customer. With this
tool, the customer can compose their own messages and
configure the chip to fit intor their applications very easily.