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AD1879JD 데이터 시트보기 (PDF) - Analog Devices

AD1879JD Datasheet PDF : 16 Pages
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Sample Delay
The sample delay or “group delay” of the AD1878/AD1879 is
dominated by the processing time of the digital decimation fil-
ter. FIR filters convolve a vector representing time samples of
the input with an equal-sized vector of coefficients. After each
convolution, the input vector is updated by adding a new
sample at one end of the “pipeline” and eliminating the oldest
input sample at the other. For an FIR filter, the time at which a
step input appears at the output will be approximately when that
step input is halfway through the input sample vector pipeline.
The input sample vector is updated every 64 × FS. Thus, the
sample delay will be given by the equation,
Group Delay = (4096Ϭ 2) /(64 × FS) = 32 / FS
For the most common sample rates this can be summarized as:
48 kHz
44.1 kHz
32 kHz
Group Delay
667 µs
725 µs
1000 µs
Due to the linear phase properties of FIR filters, the group delay
variation, or differences in group delay at different frequencies is
Voltage Reference
The AD1878/AD1879 includes a +3 V on-board reference
which determines the AD1878/AD1879’s input range. This ref-
erence is buffered to both channels of the AD1878/AD1879’s
modulator, providing a well-matched reference to minimize
interchannel gain mismatch. The reference should be bypassed
with 10 µF tantalum capacitors as shown in Figure 2. The inter-
nal reference can be overpowered by applying an external refer-
ence at the REFR (Pin 14) and REFL (Pin 15) pins, allowing
multiple AD1878/AD1879s to be calibrated to the same gain.
Note that the reference pins still must be bypassed as shown.
Sample Clock
An external master clock supplied to CLOCK (Pin 26) drives
the AD1878/AD1879 modulator, decimator, and digital inter-
face. As with any analog-to-digital conversion system, the sam-
pling clock must be low jitter to prevent conversion errors.
The input clock operates at 256 × FS. The clock is divided down
to obtain the 64 × FS clock required for the modulator. The out-
put word rate will be at FS itself. This relationship is illustrated
for popular sample rates below:
12.288 MHz
11.2896 MHz
8.192 MHz
Sample Rate
3.072 MHz
2.822 MHz
2.048 MHz
Output Word
48 kHz
44.1 kHz
32 kHz
The AD1878/AD1879 serial interface supports both “master”
and “slave” modes. Note that even in slave mode it is presumed
that the serial interface clocks are derived from the master clock
input, CLOCK. Slave mode does not support asynchronous
data transfers, since asynchronous data transfers would compro-
mise the performance of any high performance converter.
The AD1878/AD1879 decimator makes use of dynamic logic to
minimize die area. There is, therefore, a minimum clock fre-
quency that the AD1878/AD1879 will support specified in
“Specifications” above. Operation of the AD1878/AD1879 at
lower frequencies will cause the device to consume excessive
power and may damage the converter.
The active LO RESET pin (Pin 24) allows initializing the
AD1879. This is of value only for synchronizing multiple
AD1878/AD1879s in Master Mode—WCK Output. Unless you
are interested in synchronizing multiple AD1878/AD1879s, we
recommend tying RESET HI. The reset function is useful for
nothing else. In fact, there is a maximum specification on
RESET LO; excessive power consumption may occur with loss
of reliability if left LO too long due to the dynamic logic on the
Figure 14 illustrates the timing parameters for RESET to
accomplish synchronization of multiple Master Mode—Word
Clock Output ADCs. (This sequence is not necessary for syn-
chronizing multiple AD1878/AD1879s in other modes. See
“Synchronizing Multiple AD1878/AD1879s” below.) Note that
RESET first has to be LO for at least four CLOCK periods
(three CLOCKs plus tRSET plus tRHLD, to be more precise).
Then RESET must be HI for a minimum of one CLOCK and a
maximum of two CLOCKs. Then RESET must he LO for at
least another four CLOCKs. From the time when RESET goes
HI again, exactly 127 CLOCKs will occur before LRCK goes
Analog Power Down
The AD1878/AD1879 features a power-down mode that
reduces current to the analog modulator. It is controlled by
the active HI APD (Pin 11). The power savings are specified in
“Specifications.” The converter is still “alive” in the power-
down state but will not produce valid results for all audio-band
Power consumption can be further reduced by slowing down
the master clock input to the minimum clock frequency,
FCLOCK, specified for the AD1878/AD1879.
Recommended Input Structure
The AD1878/AD1879 input structure is fully differential for
improved common-mode rejection properties and increased
dynamic range. Since each input pin sees ± 3 V swings, each
channel’s input signal effectively swings ± 6 V, i.e., across a
12 V range.
In most cases, a single-ended-to-differential input circuit is
required. Shown in Figure 2 is our recommended circuit, based
on extensive experimentation. Note that to maximize signal
swing, the op amps in this circuit are powered by ± 12 V or
greater supplies. The AD1878/AD1879 itself requires ± 5 V
supplies. If ± 5 V supplies are not already available in your sys-
tem, Figure 3 illustrates our recommended circuit for generat-
ing these supplies.
REV. 0

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