8051 Clock Frequency
NX2LP-Flex has an on-chip oscillator circuit that uses an
external 24 MHz (±100 ppm) crystal with the following
■ Parallel resonant
■ Fundamental mode
■ 500 W drive level
■ 12 pF (5% tolerance) load capacitors.
An on-chip PLL multiplies the 24-MHz oscillator up to 480 MHz,
as required by the transceiver/PHY, and internal counters divide
it down for use as the 8051 clock. The default 8051 clock
frequency is 12 MHz. The clock frequency of the 8051 can be
changed by the 8051 through the CPUCS register, dynamically
Figure 3. Crystal Configuration
C1 24 MHz C2
12 pF
12 pF
Special Function Registers
Certain 8051 SFR addresses are populated to provide fast
access to critical NX2LP-Flex functions. These SFR additions
are shown in Table 1 on page 6. Bold type indicates
non-standard, enhanced 8051 registers. The two SFR rows that
end with ‘0’ and ‘8’ contain bit-addressable registers. The four I/O
ports A–D use the SFR addresses used in the standard 8051 for
ports 0–3, which are not implemented in NX2LP-Flex. Because
of the faster and more efficient SFR addressing, the NX2LP-Flex
I/O ports are not addressable in external RAM space (using the
MOVX instruction).
I2C Bus
NX2LP supports the I2C bus as a master only at 100/400 kHz.
SCL and SDA pins have open-drain outputs and hysteresis
inputs. These signals must be pulled up to 3.3 V, even if no I2C
device is connected. The I2C bus is disabled at startup and only
available for use after the initial NAND access.
20 × PLL
12-pF capacitor values assumes a trace capacitance
of 3 pF per side on a four-layer FR4 PCA
Document Number: 001-04247 Rev. *J
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