General Device Information
Table 2
Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d)
Symbol Pin Input Function
Num. Outp.
Port 20 is a 6-bit bidirectional I/O port. It is bit-wise
programmable for input or output via direction bits. For a pin
configured as input, the output driver is put into high-
impedance state.
The following Port 20 pins also serve for alternate functions:
P20.0 90
External Memory Read Strobe, activated for
every external instruction or data read access.
P20.1 91
WR/WRL External Memory Write Strobe.
In WR-mode this pin is activated for every
external data write access.
In WRL-mode this pin is activated for low byte
data write accesses on a 16-bit bus, and for
every data write access on an 8-bit bus.
P20.2 92
READY READY Input. When the READY function is
enabled, memory cycle time waitstates can be
forced via this pin during an external access.
P20.4 93
Address Latch Enable Output.
Can be used for latching the address into
external memory or an address latch in the
multiplexed bus modes.
P20.5 94
External Access Enable pin.
A low level at this pin during and after Reset
forces the XC161 to latch the configuration from
PORT0 and pin RD, and to begin instruction
execution out of external memory.
A high level forces the XC161 to latch the
configuration from pins RD, ALE, and WR, and
to begin instruction execution out of the internal
P20.12 3
program memory. "ROMless" versions must
have this pin tied to ‘0’.
RSTOUT Internal Reset Indication Output.
Is activated asynchronously with an external
hardware reset. It may also be activated
(selectable) synchronously with an internal
software or watchdog reset.
Is deactivated upon the execution of the EINIT
instruction, optionally at the end of reset, or at
any time (before EINIT) via user software.
Note: Port 20 pins may input configuration values (see EA).
Data Sheet
V1.0, 2002-03