WM5628L, WM5628
Electrical Characteristics: WM5628 & WM5628L (continued)
VDD = 3 .6V, GND = 0 V, VREF = 2 V x 1 gain, RL = 10 kΩ, CL = 100 pF, TA = full range, unless otherwise stated.
Dynamic Performance
Output settling time
To 1/2LSB, VDD=3V & 5V (note 13)
Output slew rate
Input bandwidth
(note 14)
Large Signal Bandwidth
Measured at -3dB point
Digital Crosstalk
Clk = 1MHz sq wave measured at
1. Absolute Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only.
Permanent damage to the device may be caused by
continuously operating at or beyond these limits.
Device functional operating range limits are given
under Recommended Operating Conditions.
Guaranteed performance specifications are given
under Electrical Characteristics at the test conditions
2. Total Unadjusted Error is the sum of integral linearity
error, zero code error and full scale error over the input
code range.
3. Differential Nonlinearity (DNL) is the difference
between the measured and ideal 1 LSB amplitude
change of any two adjacent codes. A guarantee of
monotonicity means the output voltage changes in the
same direction (or remains constant) as a change in
the digital input code.
4. Integral Nonlinearity (INL) is the maximum deviation of
the output from the line between zero and full scale
(excluding the effects of zero code and full-scale
5. Zero code error is the deviation from zero voltage
output when the digital input code is zero.
6. Zero code error temperature coefficient is given by:
ZCETC = (ZCE(Tmax - ZCE(Tmin)) /VREF x 10 / (Tmax
- Tmin)
7. Zero-code Error Rejection Ratio (ZCE-RR) is
measured by varying the VDD voltage, from 4.5 to 5.5
V d.c., and measuring the proportion of this signal
imposed on the zero-code output voltage.
8. Full-scale error is the deviation from the ideal full-scale
output (VREF - 1LSB) with an output load of 10kΩ
9. Full-Scale Temperature Co-efficient is given by:
FSETC = (FSE(Tmax) - FSE(Tmin)) / VREF x 106
/ Tmax - T min)
10. Full Scale Error Rejection Ratio (FSE-RR) is
measured by varying the VDD voltage from 4.5 to
5.5 V d.c. and measuring the proportion of this signal
imposed on the full-scale output voltage
11 Reference feedthrough is measured at a DAC output
with an input code = 00 Hex with a VREF input = 1 Vdc
+ 1 VPP at 10kHz
12. Channel to channel isolation is measured at a DAC
output with an input code of one DAC to FF Hex and
the code oa all other DACs to oo Hex with a VREF in-
put = 1 Vdc + 1 Vpp at 10kHz
13 Setting time is the time for the output signal to remain
within ±0.5 LSB of the final measurement value for a
digital input code change of 00 Hex to FF Hex. For
WM 5628: VDD = 5V, VREF = 2V and range = x 2. For
WM5628L: VDD = 3, VREF = 1.25V and range = x 2.
14 Reference bandwidth is the -3dB bandwidth with an
input at VREF = 1.25 Vdc =+ 2 Vpp with a digital input
code of full-scale.
Wolfson Microelectronics