Fault-tolerant CAN transceiver
Rev. 05 — 29 September 2009
Product data sheet
1. General description
The TJA1054A is the interface between the protocol controller and the physical bus wires
in a Controller Area Network (CAN). It is primarily intended for low-speed applications up
to 125 kBd in passenger cars. The device provides differential receive and transmit
capability but will switch to single-wire transmitter and/or receiver in error conditions.
The TJA1054A is the ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD) improved version of the TJA1054.
The TJA1054AT is, as the TJA1054T, pin and downwards compatible with the
PCA82C252T and the TJA1053T. This means that these two devices can be replaced by
the TJA1054AT or the TJA1054T with retention of all functions.
The most important improvements of the TJA1054 and the TJA1054A with respect to the
PCA82C252 and the TJA1053 are:
• Very low ElectroMagnetic Emission (EME) due to a very good matching of the CANL
and CANH output signals
• Good ElectroMagnetic Emission (EMI), especially in low power modes
• Full wake-up capability during bus failures
• Extended bus failure management including short-circuit of the CANH bus line to VCC
• Support for easy system fault diagnosis
• Two-edge sensitive wake-up input signal via pin WAKE
2. Features
2.1 Optimized for in-car low-speed communication
I Baud rate up to 125 kBd
I Up to 32 nodes can be connected
I Supports unshielded bus wires
I Very low ElectroMagnetic Emission (EME) due to built-in slope control function and a
very good matching of the CANL and CANH bus outputs
I Good ElectroMagnetic Immunity (EMI) in normal operating mode and in low power
I Fully integrated receiver filters
I Transmit Data (TxD) dominant time-out function
2.2 Bus failure management
I Supports single-wire transmission modes with ground offset voltages up to 1.5 V