20. Surge Current
All conventional reliability testing is conducted
under steady-state DC voltage. Experience indi-
cates that AC ripple, within the limits prescribed,
has little effect on failure rate. Heavy surge cur-
rents are possible in some applications, howev-
er. Circuit impedance may be very low (below the
recommended 0.1 ohm/volt) or there may be dri-
ving inductance to cause voltage “ringing.” Surge
current may appear during turn-on of equipment,
for example. Failure rate under current-surge
conditions may not be predictable from conven-
tional life test data.
Capacitors are capable of withstanding a 4 ±1
second charge of rated voltage (±2%) through a
total circuit resistance (excluding the capacitor) of
1 ±0.2 ohms at +25°C, followed by a 4 ±1 second
discharge to a voltage below 1% of the rated volt-
age. This cycle is repeated consecutively three
(3) times. Post test performance:
a. Capacitance — within ±5% of initial value
b. DC Leakage — within initial limit
c. Dissipation Factor — within initial limit
100% production surge current testing is per-
formed on all Tantalum Chip series for case sizes
C, D, E, X, U, V. The total test circuit resistance
is ≤ 0.5 ohms. The applied voltage is 75% of
rated voltage for all series except the T495 and
T510 which are surged at 100% of rated voltage.
Four surge cycles are applied. Parts not capable
of surviving this test are removed at subsequent
electrical screening. See T493 Series on page 22
for specific surge options.
21. Storage Life Test
• 2,000 hours, +125 ЊC, Unbiased, Mounted
Post Test Performance:
a. Capacitance — within ±10% of initial value
b. DC Leakage — within initial limit
c. Dissipation Factor — within initial limit
d. ESR — within initial limit
e. Physical — no degradation of function
22. Standard Life Test
• 2,000 hours, +85 ЊC, Rated Voltage, Mounted
Post Test Performance:
a. Capacitance — within ±10% of initial value
b. DC Leakage — within 125% of initial limit
c. Dissipation Factor — within initial limit
d. ESR — within initial limit
e. Physical — no degradation of function
23. High Temperature Life Test
• 2,000 hours, +125 ЊC, 2/3 Rated Voltage,
Post Test Performance:
a. Capacitance — within ±10% of initial value
b. DC Leakage — within 125% of initial limit
c. Dissipation Factor — within initial limit
d. ESR — within initial limit
e. Physical — no degradation of function
24. Resistance to Solvents
• Mil-Std-202, Method 215
Post Test Performance:
a. Capacitance — within ±10% of initial value
b. DC Leakage — within initial limit
c. Dissipation Factor -— within initial limit
d. Physical — no degradation of case, termi-
nals or marking.
25. Fungus
• Mil-Std-810, Method 508
26. Flammability
• UL94 VO Classification
Encapsulant materials meet this
27. Resistance to Soldering Heat
• Wave Solder
+260 ±5 ЊC, 10 Seconds
• Infrared Reflow
+230 ±5 ЊC, 30 Seconds
• Vapor Phase Reflow
+215 ±5 ЊC, 2 minutes
Post Test Performance:
a. Capacitance — within ±10% of Initial Value
b. DC Leakage — within Initial Limit
c. Dissipation Factor — within Initial Limit
28. Solderability
• Mil-Std-202, Method 208
• ANSI/J-STD-002, Test B
Applies to Solder and Tin Coated terminations
only. Does not apply to optional gold-plated ter-
29. Vibration
• Mil-Std-202, Method 204, Condition D,
10 Hz to 2,000 Hz, 20G Peak
Post Test Performance:
a. Capacitance — within ± 10% of initial value
b. DC Leakage — within initial limit
c. Dissipation Factor — within initial limit
30. Shock
• Mil-Std-202, Method 213, Condition I,
100 G Peak
Post Test Performance:
a. Capacitance — within ±10% of initial value
b. DC Leakage — within initial limit
c. Dissipation Factor — within initial limit
31. Terminal Strength
• Pull Force
• One Pound (454 grams), 30 Seconds
©KEMET Electronics Corporation, P.O. Box 5928, Greenville, S.C. 29606, (864) 963-6300