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AD630 데이터 시트보기 (PDF) - Analog Devices

Analog Devices 
AD630 Datasheet PDF : 12 Pages
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The collectors of each switching cell connect to an input trans-
conductance stage. The selected cell conveys bias currents i22
and i23 to the input stage it controls, causing it to become active.
The deselected cell blocks the bias to its input stage which, as a
consequence, remains off.
The structure of the transconductance stages is such that it
presents a high impedance at its input terminals and draws no
bias current when deselected. The deselected input does not
interfere with the operation of the selected input ensuring maxi-
mum channel separation.
Another feature of the input structure is that it enhances the
slew rate of the circuit. The current output of the active
stage follows a quasi-hyperbolic-sine relationship to the dif-
ferential input voltage. This means that the greater the input
voltage, the harder this stage will drive the output integrator,
and the faster the output signal will move. This feature
helps ensure rapid, symmetric settling when switching between
inverting and noninverting closed loop configurations.
The output section of the AD630 includes a current mirror-
load (Q24 and Q25), an integrator-voltage gain stage (Q32),
and a complementary output buffer (Q44 and Q74). The outputs
of both transconductance stages are connected in parallel to
the current mirror. Since the deselected input stage produces
no output current and presents a high impedance at its out-
puts, there is no conflict. The current mirror translates the
differential output current from the active input transconductance
amplifier into single-ended form for the output integrator. The
complementary output driver then buffers the integrator output
to produce a low impedance output.
Many applications require switched gains other than the ± 1 and
± 2 which the self-contained applications resistors provide. The
AD630 can be readily programmed with three external resistors
over a wide range of positive and negative gain by selecting and
RB and RF to give the noninverting gain 1 + RF/RB and subsequent
RA to give the desired inverting gain. Note that when the inverting
magnitude equals the noninverting magnitude, the value of RA is
found to be RBRF/(RB + RF). That is, RA should equal the parallel
combination of RB and RF to match positive and negative gain.
The feedback synthesis of the AD630 may also include reactive
impedance. The gain magnitudes will match at all frequencies if
the A impedance is made to equal the parallel combination of
the B and F impedances. The same considerations apply to the
AD630 as to conventional op amp feedback circuits. Virtually any
function that can be realized with simple noninverting “L net-
work” feedback can be used with the AD630. A common
arrangement is shown in Figure 6. The low frequency gain of
this circuit is 10. The response will have a pole (–3 dB) at a
frequency f Ӎ 1/(2 π 100 kC) and a zero (3 dB from the high
frequency asymptote) at about 10 times this frequency. The
2 kresistor in series with each capacitor mitigates the loading
effect on circuitry driving this circuit, eliminates stability problems,
and has a minor effect on the pole-zero locations.
As a result of the reactive feedback, the high frequency com-
ponents of the switched input signal will be transmitted at
unity gain while the low frequency components will be ampli-
fied. This arrangement is useful in demodulators and lock-in
amplifiers. It increases the circuit dynamic range when the
modulation or interference is substantially larger than the
desired signal amplitude. The output signal will contain the
desired signal multiplied by the low frequency gain (which may
be several hundred for large feedback ratios) with the switching
signal and interference superimposed at unity gain.
C 2k
20 A
18 B
8 –VS
Figure 6. AD630 with External Feedback
The noninverting mode of operation is a high input impedance
configuration while the inverting mode is a low input impedance
configuration. This means that the input impedance of the
circuit undergoes an abrupt change as the gain is switched
under control of the comparator. If gain is switched when the
input signal is not zero, as it is in many practical cases, a tran-
sient will be delivered to the circuitry driving the AD630. In
most applications, this will require the AD630 circuit to be
driven by a low impedance source which remains “stiff ” at high
frequencies. Generally, this will be a wideband buffer amplifier.
The AD630 combines the convenience of internal frequency
compensation with the flexibility of external compensation by
means of an optional self-contained compensation capacitor.
In gain of ± 2 applications, the noise gain that must be addressed
for stability purposes is actually 4. In this circumstance, the
phase margin of the loop will be on the order of 60° without the
optional compensation. This condition provides the maximum
bandwidth and slew rate for closed loop gains of |2| and above.
When the AD630 is used as a multiplexer, or in other configura-
tions where one or both inputs are connected for unity gain
feedback, the phase margin will be reduced to less than 20°.
This may be acceptable in applications where fast slewing is a
first priority, but the transient response will not be optimum.
For these applications, the self-contained compensation capacitor
may be added by connecting Pin 12 to Pin 13. This connection
reduces the closed-loop bandwidth somewhat and improves the
phase margin.
For intermediate conditions, such as gain of ± 1 where loop
attenuation is 2, use of the compensation should be determined
by whether bandwidth or settling response must be optimized.
The optional compensation should also be used when the AD630
is driving capacitive loads or whenever conservative frequency
compensation is desired.
The offset voltages of both input stages and the comparator
have been pretrimmed so that external trimming will only be
required in the most demanding applications. The offset adjust-
ment of the two input channels is accomplished by means of a
differential and common-mode scheme. This facilitates fine
adjustment of system errors in switched gain applications. With

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