2.3.4. RDS BLER
BLER stands for block error rate, which is a ratio of number of data blocks received with at least one un-correctable
bit to the number of blocks received. This test is often used to test the RDS Sensitivity (BLER <5%) specification
during production.
1. Connect test equipment as shown in Figures 1, 2, or 3.
2. Configure the tuner in standard configuration.
3. Set RDS ON
4. Configure generator #1:
a. Set carrier frequency = 98.1 MHz.
b. Set RF level = 18 uV (target RDS sensitivity level + 3 µV).
c. Select stereo modulation
i. Set FM Deviation = 22.5 kHz.
ii. Set L=R.
iii. Set Source = LFGEN.
iv. Set LFGEN frequency = 1 kHz.
v. Set Pre-emphasis = 75 µs.
vi. Set Pilot = ON.
vii. Set Pilot Deviation = 6.75 kHz.
viii.Set RDS = ON.
ix. Set RDS Deviation = 2 kHz.
x. Set RDS Data Set = 1.
xi. Set Traffic Announcement = OFF.
xii. Set Traffic Program = OFF.
d. Enable modulation.
e. Enable carrier.
5. Read BLER * from the GUI after 22 seconds.
*Note: Block Error Rate (BLER) measurement settles approximately in 20 seconds. Because the Silicon Laboratories
automated test system configures the generator after the tuner, the BLER reading should be allowed to update twice
before it is considered valid. Alternatively, the tuner could be configured after the generator and the BLER reading would
be valid after an update.
Rev. 0.2