Philips Semiconductors
STB5860 (Set-Top Box) STB concept
Preliminary specification
1.1 SAA7219 features
• Internal PR3930 32-bit RISC processor running at
81 MHz
• Comprehensive driver software and development tool
• A JTAG interface for board test support
• 8-kbyte 8-way set associative instruction cache
• 4-kbyte 4-way set associative instruction cache.
• Parsing of Transport Stream (TS), Philips
Semiconductors hardware and proprietary software
data streams; maximum input rate is 108 Mbits/s
• A real time descrambler consisting of 3 modules:
– A control word bank containing 14 pairs (odd and
even) of control words and a default control word
– The Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) descrambler
core implementing the stream decipher and block
decipher algorithms
– The MULTI2 descrambler algorithm implementing
the CBC and OFB mode descrambling functions.
• Hardware section filtering based on 32 different Packet
Identifiers (PIDs) with a flexible number of filter
conditions (8 or 4-byte condition plus 8 or 4-byte mask)
per PID and a total filter capacity of 40 (8-byte condition
checks) or up to 80 (4-byte condition checks) filter
• 4 Transport Stream/Packetized Elementary Stream
(PES) filters for retrieval of data at TS or PES level for
applications such as subtitling, TXT or retrieval of
private data
• Flexible Direct Memory Access (DMA) based storage of
the 32 section substreams and 4 TS/PES data
substreams in the external memory
• System time base management with a double counter
mechanism for clock control and discontinuity handling
2 Presentation Time Stamp (PTS)/Decoding Time
Stamp (DTS) timers
• A General Purpose/High speed (GP/HS) filter which can
serve as alternative input from e.g. IEEE 1394 devices.
It can also output either scrambled or descrambled
TS to IEEE 1394 devices.
• A 32-bit microcontroller extension bus supporting
DRAM, SDRAM flash, (E)PROM and external memory
mapped I/O devices. It also supports a synchronous
interface to communicate with the integrated MPEG
Audio Video Graphics (AVG) decoder SAA7215 family
at 40.5 Mbytes/s.
• An IEEE 1284 interface supporting master and slave
modes; usable as a general purpose port
• 2 UART (RS232) data ports with DMA capabilities
(187.5 kbits/s) including hardware flow control RXD,
TXD, RTS and CTS for modem support
• Two dedicated smart card reader interfaces (ISO 7816
compatible) with DMA capabilities
• Two I2C-bus master/slave transceivers supporting the
standard (100 kbits/s) and fast (400 kbits/s) I2C-bus
• 32 general purpose, bidirectional I/O interface pins, 8 of
which may also be used as interrupt inputs
• 2 Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) outputs with 8-bit
1.2 SAA7215 family features
• Single or double external synchronous DRAM organized
as 1M × 16 or 2 × 1M × 16 interfacing at 81 MHz. Due to
efficient memory use in MPEG decoding, more than
1 Mbit is available for graphics in the single SDRAM
configuration whereas 17 Mbits are available in the
double SDRAM configuration targeted to BSkyB 3.00
and Canal+ 4.0 specifications.
• Dedicated input for compressed audio and video in PES
or ES in byte wide or bit serial format; accompanying
strobe signals distinguish between audio and video data
• Optimum compatibility with SAA7219 TMIPS controller
• Flexible memory allocation under control of the external
Central Processing Unit (CPU) enables optimized
partitioning of memory for different tasks
• Boundary scan testing implemented.
1999 Aug 25