PMB 2201
1.7 Circuit Description
Block Level Description
The PMB2201 includes an up/down conversion mixer and a direct quadrature modulator
on one chip.
The mixer is a fully balanced Gilbert cell. The IF, IFX pins are low impedance inputs. The
transfer function from this input to the mixer output is linear for input levels below the 1dB
compression point. For improved intermodulation the mixer current can be increased
with external resistors to GND2 at IF, IFX. The RF, RFX pins are high impedance inputs
and are DC connected to the bases of the transistors in the Gilbert cell. The input level
at RF, RFX should be high enough to ensure proper switching of the differential
transistor pairs. The mixer output pins MO, MOX are high impedance open collector
outputs. The wanted mixer output product can be band pass filtered and fed to the
LO,LOX input of the modulator or to an external load.
The LO, LOX pins are the high impedance inputs of an emitter coupled differential pair.
The LO signal is internally divided into two orthogonal carriers at the transmit frequency.
The modulator has two Gilbert cell multipliers, in which the modulation signals A(t) and
B(t) are mixed with the orthogonal carriers. The outputs of both Gilbert cells are added
and amplified by a linear output stage. The modulated transmit signal is available at the
high impedance open collector outputs E/EX and can be fed to a power amplifier.
At the output TREF a DC voltage for biasing the modulation inputs A, AX, B, BX is
available, which should be capacitively decoupled to ground. The modulation inputs can
be connected externally via bias resistors to TREF. Due to the low voltage concept a
balanced drive of the differential modulator inputs is recommended to obtain the best
second and third order spurious suppression.
The phase adjust input ADJ allows the single sideband suppression of the modulator to
be optimized for a particular application. If the specified sideband suppression is
sufficient, ADJ should only be capacitively decoupled to ground, in which case the
voltage at ADJ is set internally to half the TREF voltage. If a higher suppression is
required, the voltage at ADJ can be adjusted to the optimum value by a pull-up resistor
to TREF, a pull-down resistor to GND1 or a potentiometer between TREF and GND1.
The modulator and the mixer have separate supply, ground and power down pins:
VCC1, GND1, PD1 for the modulator and VCC2, GND2, PD2 for the mixer. Applying a
logic LOW to PD1 or PD2 powers down the corresponding part of the chip, including its
bias circuitry. Depending on the application the power down pins can be combined or
separately fixed to supply rails.
Semiconductor Group