VDD and VSS. Power is supplied to the MCU using
these two pins. VDD is power and VSS is the ground
OSCin, OSCout. These pins are internally con-
nected to the on-chip oscillator circuit. A quartz
crystal or a ceramic resonator can be connected
between these two pins in order to allow the cor-
rect operation of the MCU with various stabil-
ity/cost trade-offs. The OSCin pin is the input pin,
the OSCout pin is the output pin.
RESET. The active low RESET pin is used to start
the microcontroller to the beginning of its program.
TEST. The TEST pin must be held at VSS for nor-
mal operation.
PA0-PA7. These 8 lines are organized as one I/O
port (A). Each line may be configured as either an
input or as an output under software control of the
data direction register. Port A has an open-drain
(12V drive) output configuration with direct LED
driving capability (30mA, 1V).
PB2-PB3, PB5-PB7. These lines are organized as
one I/O port (B). Each line may be configured as
either an input with or without internal pull-up resis-
tor or as an output under software control of the
data direction register. PB2-PB3 have a push-pull
configuration in output mode while PB5-PB7 are
open-drain (5V drive).
PB2 and PB3 lines are connected to the VSYNC
and HSYNC control signals of the OSD cell; to pro-
vide the right signals to the OSD these I/O lines
should be programmed in input mode and the user
can read “on the fly” the state of VSYNC and
HSYNC signals. PB2 is also connected with the
VSYNC Interrupt. The active polarity of VSYNC In-
terrupt signal is software controlled. The active po-
larity of these synchronization input pins to the
OSD macrocell can be selected by the user as
ROM mask option. If the device is specified to have
negative logic inputs, then when these signals are
low the OSD oscillator stops. If the device is speci-
fied to have positive logic inputs, then when these
signals are high the OSD oscillator stops.
PB5, PB6 and PB7 lines, when in output modes,
are “ANDed” with the SPI control signals. PB5 is
connected with the SPI clock signal (SCL), PB6
with the SPI data signal (SDA) while PB7 is con-
nected with SPI enable signal (SEN).
PC0-PC7. These 8 lines are organized as one I/O
port (C). Each line may be configured as either an
input with or without internal pull-up resistor or as
an output under software control of the data direc-
tion register. PC0-PC2, PC4 have a push-pull con-
figuration in output mode while PC3, PC5-PC7
(OSD signals) are open-drain (5V drive). PC3, PC5 ,
PC6 and PC7 lines when in output mode are
“ANDed” with the character and blank signals of
the OSD cell. PC3 is connected with the OSD
BLANK signal, PC5, PC6 and PC7 with the OSD R,
G and B signals. The active polarity of these sig-
nals can be selected by the user as ROM mask op-
tion. PC2 is also used as TV set ON-OFF switch
(5V drive).
DA0-DA3. These pins are the four PWM D/A out-
puts (with 32kHz repetition) of the 6-bit on-chip D/A
converters. The PWM function can be disabled by
software and these lines can be used as general
purpose open-drain outputs (12V drive).
IRIN. This pin is the external NMI of the MCU.
OUT1. This pin is the 62.5kHz output specially
suited to drive multi-standard chroma processors.
This function can be disabled by software and the
pin can be used as general purpose open-drain
output (12V drive).
BSW0-BSW3. These output pins can be used to
select up to 4 tuning bands. These lines are config-
ured as open-drain outputs (12V drive).
KBY0-KBY2. These pins are input only and can be
used for keyboard scan. They have CMOS thresh-
old levels with Schmitt Trigger and on-chip 100kΩ
pull-up resistors.
AFC. This is the input of the on-chip 10 level com-
parator that can be used to implement the AFC
function. This pin is an high impedance input able
to withstand signals with a peak amplitude up to
OSDOSCin, OSDOSCout. These are the On
Screen Display oscillator terminals. An oscillation
capacitor and coil network have to be connected to
provide the right signal to the OSD.
VS. This is the output pin of the on-chip 14-bit volt-
age synthesis tuning cell (VS). The tuning signal
present at this pin gives an approximate resolution
of 40kHz per step over the UHF band. This line is a
push-pull output with standard drive (ST63140,
ST63156 only).