Switching Power Supplies
ESP Series
18-150 Watt
Output Specifications
Output voltage adjustment range
– Single output models
– Mulioutput models (Output 1)
(Output 2 & 3)
– Input variation
– Load variation (10 – 90 %)
Ripple and noise (20Mhz Bandwidth)
Output current limitation
Overload protection mode
ESP 18 – 80
ESP 100/ 150
Over voltage protection (only output 1)
Capacitive load
General Specifications
Temperature ranges – Operating
– Derating above 50°C all models
– Storage (non operating)
Temperature coefficient
Humidity (non condensing)
Switching frequency
ESP 18/ 36/50/60
all other models
Hold-up time
ESP 18 Single output
ESP 18 Mulioutput
ESP 36 Single output
ESP 36 Mulioutput
ESP 50
ESP 60
ESP 75
ESP 80
ESP 100
ESP 150
± 10 %
+ 5 %/ – 0%
± 3 % (Factory set/ fixed)
± 0.5 % max.
± 1.0 % max.
75 mV pk-pk max.
105 – 120 % Inom.
Fold back
Constant current
110 – 130 % Vout nom.
10’000 µF
– 10 °C…+60 °C ambient temp. max.
5% /°C
– 20 °C…+85 °C
0.02 % / °C
70 – 87 % (depending on model)
85 % rel max.
100 kHz typ. (frequency modulation PFM)
100 kHz typ. (puls width modulation PWM)
Vin = 115 VAC Vin = 230 VAC
15 ms typ .
70 ms typ.
20 ms typ.
120 ms typ.
20 ms typ.
120 ms typ.
30 ms typ.
150 ms typ.
60 ms typ.
80 ms typ.
20 ms typ.
120 ms typ.
40 ms typ.
50 ms typ.
60 ms typ.
80 ms typ.
50 ms typ.
70 ms typ.
40 ms typ.
60 ms typ.
All specifications valid at nominal input voltage, full load and +25°C after warm-up time unless otherwise stated.
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