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MAX3799(2009) 데이터 시트보기 (PDF) - Maxim Integrated

MAX3799 Datasheet PDF : 35 Pages
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1Gbps to 14Gbps, SFP+ Multirate Limiting
Amplifier and VCSEL Driver
Bias Current DAC
The bias current from the MAX3799 is optimized to pro-
vide up to 15mA of bias current into a 50Ω to 75Ω
VCSEL load with 40μA resolution. The bias current is
controlled through the 3-wire digital interface using the
For VCSEL operation, the IBIASMAX register is first pro-
grammed to a desired maximum bias current value (up
to 15mA). The bias current to the VCSEL then can
range from zero to the value programmed into the
IBIASMAX register. The bias current level is stored in
the 9-bit SET_IBIAS register. Only bits 1 to 8 are written
to. The LSB (bit 0) of SET_IBIAS is initialized to zero
and is updated through the BIASINC register.
The value of the SET_IBIAS DAC register is updated
when the BIASINC register is addressed through the
3-wire interface. The BIASINC register is an 8-bit regis-
ter where the first 5 bits contain the increment informa-
tion in two’s complement notation. Increment values
range from -8 to +7 LSBs. If the updated value of
SET_IBIAS[8:1] exceeds IBIASMAX[7:0], the IBIASERR
warning flag is set and SET_IBIAS[8:0] remains
Modulation Current DAC
The modulation current from the MAX3799 is optimized
to provide up to 12mA of modulation current into a
100Ω differential load with 40μA resolution. The modu-
lation current is controlled through the 3-wire digital
interface using the SET_IMOD, IMODMAX, MODINC,
and SET_TXDE registers.
For VCSEL operation, the IMODMAX register is first pro-
grammed to a desired maximum modulation current
value (up to 12mA into a 100Ω differential load). The
modulation current to the VCSEL then can range from
zero to the value programmed into the IMODMAX regis-
ter. The modulation current level is stored in the 9-bit
SET_IMOD register. Only bits 1 to 8 are written to. The
LSB (bit 0) of SET_IMOD is initialized to zero and is
updated through the MODINC register.
The value of the SET_IMOD DAC register is updated
when the MODINC register is addressed through the
3-wire interface. The MODINC register is an 8-bit regis-
ter where the first 5 bits contain the increment informa-
tion in two’s complement notation. Increment values
range from -8 to +7 LSBs. If the updated value of
SET_IMOD[8:1] exceeds IMODMAX[7:0], the IMODERR
warning flag is set and SET_IMOD[8:0] remains
Output Driver
The output driver is optimized for an AC-coupled 100Ω
differential load. The output stage also features program-
mable deemphasis that allows the deemphasis ampli-
tude to be set as a percentage of the modulation current.
The deemphasis function is enabled by the TXDE_EN
bit. At initial setup, the required amount of deemphasis
can be set using the SET_TXDE register. During the
system operation, it is advised to use the incremental
mode that updates the deemphasis (SET_TXDE) and
the modulation current DAC (SET_IMOD) simultaneous-
ly through the MODINC register.
Power-On Reset (POR)
Power-on reset ensures that the laser is off until the
supply voltage has reached a specified threshold
(2.55V). After power-on reset, bias current and modula-
tion current ramp up slowly to avoid an overshoot. In
the case of a POR, all registers are reset to their default
Bias Current Monitor
Current out of the BMON pin is typically 1/16th the
value of IBIAS. A resistor to ground at BMON sets the
voltage gain. An internal comparator latches a SOFT
FAULT if the voltage on BMON exceeds the value of
VCC - 0.55V.
Eye Safety and Output Control Circuitry
The safety and output control circuitry contains a dis-
able pin (DISABLE) and disable bit (TX_EN), along with
a FAULT indicator and fault detectors (Figure 3). The
MAX3799 has two types of faults, HARD FAULT and
and the output to the VCSEL is disabled. A SOFT
FAULT operates more like a warning and the outputs
are not disabled. Both types of faults are stored in the
TXSTAT1 and TXSTAT2 registers.
The FAULT pin is a latched output that can be cleared
by toggling the DISABLE pin. Toggling the DISABLE
pin also clears the TXSTAT1 and TXSTAT2 registers. A
single-point fault can be a short to VCC or GND. Table
3 shows the circuit response to various single-point
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