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MASW-002103-1363_V7 데이터 시트보기 (PDF) - M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc.

M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc. 
MASW-002103-1363_V7 Datasheet PDF : 8 Pages
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HMICTM Silicon PIN Diode SPDT Switch
50 MHz - 20 GHz
Rev. V7
Handling Procedures
Attachment to a circuit board is made simple through the use of standard surface mount technology. Mounting
pads are conveniently located on the bottom surface of these devices and are removed from the active junction
locations. These devices are well suited for solder attachment onto hard and soft substrates. The use of
80Au/20Sn, or RoHS compliant solders is recommended. For applications where the average power is 1W,
conductive silver epoxy may also be used. Cure per manufacturers recommended time and temperature. Typi-
cally 1 hour at 150°C.
When soldering these devices to a hard substrate, a solder re-flow method is preferred. A vacuum tip pick-up
tool and a force of 60 to100 grams applied to the top surface of the device while placing the chip is recom-
mended. When soldering to soft substrates, such as Duroid, it is recommended to use a soft solder at the circuit
board to mounting pad interface to minimize stress due to any TCE mismatches that may exist. Position the die
so that its mounting pads are aligned with the circuit board mounting pads. Solder reflow should not be per-
formed by causing heat to flow through the top surface of the die to the back. Since the HMIC glass is transpar-
ent, the edges of the mounting pads can be visually inspected through the die after attachment is completed.
Typical re-flow profiles for Sn60/Pb40 and RoHS compliant solders is provided in Application Note M538 ,
“Surface Mounting Instructions“ and can viewed on the MA-COM Technology Solutions website @
Sample Board
Samples test boards are available upon request
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Solutions has under development. Performance is based on engineering tests. Specifications are
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