HMICTM Silicon PIN Diode SPDT Switch
50 MHz - 20 GHz
Rev. V7
Bias Control
Driver Connections
Optimal operation of the MASW-002103-1363 is
achieved by simultaneous application of negative
DC voltage and current to the low loss switching arm
and positive DC voltage and current to the remaining
switching arm as shown in the applications circuit
below. DC return is achieved via R2 on the RFC
In the low loss state, the series diode must be
forward biased with current and the shunt diode
reverse biased with voltage. In the isolated arm, the
shunt diode is forward biased with current and the
series diode is reverse biased with voltage.
Control Level
(DC Currents and Voltages)
RF Output
RF Output
-15V at -20mA 7
6V at + 20mA
6V at +20mA
-15V at -20mA7
Low Loss
Low Loss
7. As long as 20mA is applied through the on diodes, the voltage can
J1 to J2→ Low Loss
R1 = 250Ω
R2 = 450Ω
B2 = -15V
B3 = 6V
Application Circuit 8,9,10,11,12
8. Assume Vf ~ 1V at 20mA
9. R1 = 5V / 0.02A = 250Ω; R2 = 9V / 0.02A = 450Ω
10. PR1 = 0.02A x 0.02A x 250 = 0.1 W
11. PR2 = 0.02A x 0.02A x 450 = 0.18 W
12. Inductors are bias RF chokes. The operating band width of a broad-band PIN diode switch is often dependent on the bias compo-
nents, particularly the RF bias chokes. It is suggested that the frequency response be checked with all the bias components attached
before installing the PIN diode.
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